Питание Американцев

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Марта 2014 в 13:42, реферат

Краткое описание

Ordinary idea of typical American food is explained by the fact that the advertized product pretty often is a fake. Americans uses special cattle for meat, this cattle is fed with grain, and it's not the same one, that is for milking. As a result the real American beef is more gentle and tasty than that, which is usually offered in Europe as "American steak". Potatoes sold abroad which are entirely baked in a foil are not the well-known potatoes from Idaho. It has other pulp and a peel that is explained by a climate and soil in this state. Or the favorite food of Americans on picnics — corncobs — in any way can't be compared to the preserved or frozen corn, being long weeks in a way.

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Питание Американцев. Е.В. Петрушин Ю.В. ТО 5-1.doc

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