My future profession - the teacher of physics

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Марта 2014 в 15:56, аттестационная работа

Краткое описание

I am a physicist! In such rank I have been working for 40 years. So we are called by pupils, parents and the teachers of school. I had chosen this science myself, in far 60th years, studying at school and it was not casually. At that time successes of physics were very famous: 1957 - 1 artificial satellite of the Earth; 1961 - 1 astronaut Yu.A.Gagarin; Nobel Prizes on physics to the Soviet physics. I remember, (at that time I was in five class) how new words "satellite", "astronaut" had appeared and even the teachers of Russian did not know how to write correctly the last word, and they looked for it in newspapers. It was the period of blossoming of the Soviet science and school, at that time the Soviet school outstripped the USA behind a school desk.

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