History of the spreading of English in the world

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Сентября 2013 в 16:00, курсовая работа

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The purpose of the study - to analyze the influence of society on the development and dissemination of the English language in general. Objectives of work:
1. Explore the historical stages of English language development in terms of linguistic and extralinguistic factors,
2. See the basic facts spread of English around the world.



Chapter 1. Historical stages of development of English
1.1. The origin of the English language…………………………………………...4
1.2. Periods in the history of English……………………………………………...5

Chapter 2. The history of the spread of English in different countries
2.1. The history of the spread of English in the regions of Britain………………..9
2.2. Distribution of English in colonial countries…………………………………10



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Serious impact on the development of the linguistic system affects language, play a dominant role at a certain historical period. Thus, the English language has been influenced by Latin, French, Italian, Spanish.

Recently, in English, we observe a characteristic process of rapid facilitation of pronunciation, unifying several regional forms and tolerant attitude towards them in the modern English language, as well as a significant increase in variability at the phonetic level, which was the inevitable result of the widely spoken languages.

Vocabulary is rapidly changing under the influence of changes in society and culture. Appears more and more borrowing.

If half a century ago, a fundamental phenomenon has been the desire for standardization, we are now witnessing a reverse process - promoting local language options as sources and keepers of the regional and national culture in all its diversity.

There are many hypotheses about the future of English as an international means of communication. On the one hand, English as a «lingua franca» can be quite convenient, as it is for all users no longer has strong cultural connotations. It can be argued that in the future will expand the international "vocabulary" that will create a common cultural universal language. On the other hand, given the statistics, most likely English in the near future may become the language of the European minority, giving primacy of Chinese, Hindi and Urdu. The paradox in the development of the English language is that it came from under the control of its carriers. Its future will determine not native English speakers and people who speak different national languages.













































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