History of the spreading of English in the world

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Сентября 2013 в 16:00, курсовая работа

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The purpose of the study - to analyze the influence of society on the development and dissemination of the English language in general. Objectives of work:
1. Explore the historical stages of English language development in terms of linguistic and extralinguistic factors,
2. See the basic facts spread of English around the world.



Chapter 1. Historical stages of development of English
1.1. The origin of the English language…………………………………………...4
1.2. Periods in the history of English……………………………………………...5

Chapter 2. The history of the spread of English in different countries
2.1. The history of the spread of English in the regions of Britain………………..9
2.2. Distribution of English in colonial countries…………………………………10



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Ministry of Education and Science of RK

West Kazakhstan State University after M.Utemissov





                                                                               Chair of Theory and Practice

                                                                                             of Teaching English








Course work


Theme: History of the spreading of English in the world










                                                                   Done by: gr.03301, Arystanova A.

                                                             Checked by: teacher Nasimullina A.B.














Uralsk, 2011





Chapter 1. Historical stages of development of English

1.1. The origin of the English language…………………………………………...4

1.2. Periods in the history of English……………………………………………...5


Chapter 2. The history of the spread of English in different countries

2.1. The history of the spread of English in the regions of Britain………………..9

2.2. Distribution of English in colonial countries…………………………………10





































Modern language - a product of long historical development, during which the language being versatile changes caused by various reasons. Changes affect all aspects (levels, tiers, aspects) and extra-linguistic structure, but operate them differently.

The urgency of the problem. The historical development of each level depends on the specific causes and conditions that promote changes in the lexical structure of language, its phonetic (phonemic) organization, in its grammatical structure.

Perspective of the study. History of language reveals all the processes that occur in the language at different stages of its existence, the causes (factors) changes, which are incorporated in the language itself is called a linguistic (or interlinguistic), and factors related to the history of people, with the general development of human society. These two concepts, and the two sides of the history of language is constantly in contact.

The purpose of the study - to analyze the influence of society on the development and dissemination of the English language in general.

Objectives of work:

1. Explore the historical stages of English language development in terms of linguistic and extralinguistic factors,

2. See the basic facts spread of English around the world.

Theoretical base is the work of scholars such as Antrushina G.B., Amosova N.N., Arakin V.D., Arbekova T.I., Arnold I., Bubennikova O., Galperin I.R., Gelberg S.J., Gukhman M.M., Ivanov I.P., Belyaev T.M.

Work structure is defined by its goals and objectives. It consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography.




















Chapter 1. Historical stages of English language development

1.1. The origin of the English language


History of the English language begins with the conquest of the British Isles by Germanic tribes in the 5th century AD At that time the islands were inhabited by the Celts, who came to Britain from the European continent. Economically and socially the Celts were a tribal community, which consisted of clans, family groups and tribes. They were engaged mainly in agriculture.

The conquest of the British Isles by Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, yutami) began in 449 AD, when the conquerors invaded the island under the leadership of the two German kings - Hengest and Horse (Hengist, Horsa). Until this moment the Germans are also raided.

Fighting Celts, the conquerors lasted long, and Anglo-Saxon rule definitively established only at the end of 6. Approximately 700, the Anglo-Saxons who occupied a large part of England (except Cornwall peninsula, Wales, north-western areas and southern Scotland).

Although the conquerors belonged to different Germanic tribes, their languages ​​and cultures were very similar, and they regarded themselves as one people.

For example, the word "Engle" (English) called all the German invaders. Broke away from the continental Germanic languages, the West German dialects spoken by the conquerors, have merged, which led to the emergence of a new German language - English.
























1.2. Periods in the history of English


In the history of language development for periods of stormy and extensive changes may be followed by periods of relative calm. In the process of language change is not only influenced by the language laws and change, but also due to changes in the social life of language communities. Thus, dividing the history of the English language into chronological periods, domestic researchers take into account the linguistic and extralinguistic aspects.

The boundaries between the periods of English language development are associated with historical events that have affected the language.

Under this approach, the history of the English language is divided into the following periods:

I. Old English - starts with the conquest of Britain by Germanic tribes (5 century AD.) Ends with the Norman conquest (1066).

Ø Covering the period from 5-7 cc before the end of 11. BC;

Ø In the Old English period of English (7-11 cc.; Called Anglo-Saxon) dialects are represented by 4; nortumbriy, Mercia, Wessex and Kent. A significant number of Latinisms in Old English vocabulary is the result of the penetration of Christianity in England (with 6 in.) As well as translations from Latin works of various authors. From the language of the Celtic people of Britain have survived mainly geographical names.

Raiding Scandinavians (with concentration. 8.) Ended the subordination of England in 1016 dates. king, and the creation of scandium. settlements have led to the interaction of closely related languages ​​- English and Scandinavian, which has affected available in modern English significant number of words of Scandinavian origin and contribute to building a number of grammatical tendencies available in Old English.

Norman conquest of England in 1066 led to a prolonged period of bilingualism: French language has functioned as an official language, but English has continued to be used (bearing in 12-15 centuries. 3 main dialectal areas - northern, central and south) as the language of ordinary people. Prolonged use of French in England led to the fact that after ousting him from the official sphere to 14. in the English language continue to exist vast strata of French vocabulary.

While Anglo was not so strongly inflected language like Sanskrit, Greek or Latin, it has a complex system of declensions and conjugations. As a noun case endings persisted, many relationships could be expressed without the help of prepositions, in contrast to contemporary English.

II. Middle English - begins with the Norman Conquest and lasts until the end of 15 century. In the 1485 war ended with the Rose, which meant the decline of feudalism and the emergence of capitalism in England, these events also influenced the development of the English language. In 15. appeared typography (1475), which was an important event in the social and linguistic terms. Middle English period is divided into early Middle English (12-13 centuries) and Late Middle English (14-15 cc.).

Middle English period of English (12 - 15 centuries. Sometimes referred to as Middle English) is characterized by the phonetic and grammatical changes, sharply distinguish the Middle English from Old English period. Reduction of unstressed vowels led to a substantial simplification of the morphological structure, but on the basis grammatization of verb phrases evolved a new system of verb paradigms. In the 16-17 centuries. develops so-called early new english language.

Typography (1476) and the popularity of works by J. Chaucer (1340-1400), who wrote in the London dialect, have contributed to the consolidation and dissemination of the London forms. However, typography fixed some of the traditional spelling, pronunciation rules do not reflect the end of 15 century. Began characteristic of modern English language the difference between pronunciation and spelling. With the development of literary language has expanded and complicated system of functional styles that went disengagement forms of oral-spoken and written language, the codification of literary norms. Large role in the development of literary language played a direct and indirect contacts of English language with other languages ​​associated with the spread of English outside of England. The latter led to the formation of variants of Standard English in the U.S., Canada and Australia that differ from Standard English mainly in pronunciation and vocabulary.

III. Modern English - starts at about 1500 and continuing until now. This period is taken to subdivide the early modern English (1500-1700 years) and proper modern English (from 1700 to the present day).

Fifteenth century, in terms of literary achievements unproductive, was a period of significant and productive language changes relating to both forms of words and sentence structure. With the loss of inflections word order has become more important than it was in Old and Middle English.

Language development in 15. contributed to other factors, especially the invention of printing and the revival of classical scholarship. These are powerful factors come into action at precisely the time when the English language has achieved in its development, a degree of stability, moving towards maturity. The emergence of typesetting typographic fonts caused greater and more rapid dissemination of literature and culture, and the revival of ancient Greek science to encourage more depth and complexity of human knowledge and its place in the universe.

At the same time, the Renaissance 16. favored the extensive borrowing of Latin words.

In a complex system of verb tenses, gradually to replace the temporary binary system of Old English, which originally expressed the idea of ​​time as an opposition to present-future time past, suspects that two major changes. The first is the increasingly common use of advanced forms of the type I am eating "I am eating (now)" due to simple shapes such as I eat "I eat (in general)." This change stems from a desire to give the action describing a verb, more lively and realistic - and that it differs from other contemporary trends in language, in general, tend to greater efficiency and brevity of language expression. The second change is the wider use of advanced forms of the verb go "go" to transfer the immediate future, as in the saying We are going to write «We are going to write" instead of We will write «We will write." The verb go, particularly signified walk "walk" (as in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Path: «I have resolved to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go» "I decided to do, as long as I can, run; go when I can not run, and crawl when I can not go "), now so lost his former real value that can be used as an auxiliary verb in itself, as in the expression: We are going to go a long way "We're going to go a long way."

Another distinctive feature of modern English language is still growing use of phrasal verbs in the function of nouns: comeback "a return to a previous state or position", setback "rollback; relapse", comedown "degradation, loss of dignity or social status", buildup "build strength; flattery ", followup" follow-up activities and additional information ", holdup" robbery; jam ", leadin" introduction screen saver ", input" input, input, "etc. These words are often preferable to its synonym from the classical and Romance languages, because they, by virtue of their brevity, seem more vivid and convincing. In all walks of life - both in the headlines, and in everyday speech - preference is given to a large extent monosyllabic words: jet instead of jet-propelled aircraft "jet", op instead of operation "operation", up instead promote "encourage, promote," . Needs of the modern world are also in a variety of cuts, whether it be easily pronounced acronym like ERNIE (Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment "electronic indicator random numbers), or neudoboproiznosimye, such as, DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research" Department of Scientific and Industrial Engineering "). Although standardizing the impact that school, radio, film and television, different speech levels - oratorical, literary, colloquial, colloquial and slangy - continue to enrich each other's language and healthier in general. Today slang in vogue more than ever, but many slang tumors do not stay in the language, they find themselves day wonders: from the slang tumors only a tiny number of elected gets to the level of common usage of spoken language.

Modern English has many regional dialects: in the UK - Scottish dialect, a group of northern, central (east-central, west-central), southern and south-western dialects; in the U.S. - East England, Mid-Atlantic (central) south-east, mid-western group. Dialectal variation in English in the UK is much more pronounced than in the U.S., where the basis of literary norm becomes the central dialect.

For the phonetic system of English language is characterized by the presence of specific vowels, consonants, the absence of a sharp boundary between diphthongs and long monophthong.

Among the other Germanic languages, English language distinguished by having distinct characteristics of the analytical system: the main means of expressing grammatical relations are function words (prepositions, auxiliary verbs) and word order. Analytical forms are used to express some of the species-time relationships to form degrees of comparison adjectives. Cases relations given position of words in a sentence and prepositional constructions. fixed word order - one of the main means of expressing syntactic relations in sentence structure.

The English language is widely used non-affixal derivation (conversion). In the lexicon of high proportion of loans (about 70% of the vocabulary), among which form the largest group of words and affixes are borrowed from French and Latin languages, partly because of Italian and Spanish. The basis of Standard English language lay London dialect whose base is at an early stage of formation of the literary language has changed due to replacement in the 2nd half of 13 - 1-st half of 14 centuries. Southern dialect forms east-central.









































Chapter 2. Spreading of English language in the world

2.1. The history of the spread of English in the regions of Britain


In the history of England of modern times has played a huge role expanding its holdings and the seizure of colonies. This had a significant influence on the destiny of the English language.

Beginning with Anglo-Saxon period, Celtic ownership in most of Britain are under constant assault by the English kings. Wales maintains relative autonomy to 16. When he fully subscribes to England, but even though English has become the official language in Wales, the Celtic people of Wales, the Welsh continue to maintain its traditional culture and language. Welsh created artistic works, published the periodical press, in educational institutions there is also bilingual.

Scotland was finally annexed by England in the mid 17 century. English began to penetrate into Scotland with 11. And in the Middle English period, a kind of northern dialect was a Scottish dialect, on which a period of independent existence of the Scottish kingdom was formed Scottish literary language. It was created fiction, mostly poetry (15-16 cc.). After the unification of Scotland with England, the Scottish tongue moves to the position of the dialect. This was facilitated by the spread of London's linguistic norms through officially-business sphere of communication and a rich literature of Shakespeare's era, but also due to the influence of new social, political and cultural trends of the English Renaissance. In the north and in mountainous areas of Scotland Celtic dialects continue to exist.

In Ireland the Celtic people throughout the centuries the British resisted the invaders, who penetrated there from 12. English propagated among the public, and although the Irish stubbornly defended their national culture and language, English has won a dominant position in the country. With the formation of the Irish Free State of Eire (1937) Irish language is the official language along with English. Yet the English language continues to play a major role in the country.


















2.2. Distribution of English in colonial countries


Since the late 16 century. begins colonial expansion of England and the spread of English beyond the British Isles. The first permanent English settlement on the east coast of North America originated in the early 17 century. In 1606 Jamestown was founded, and the entire territory of the colony was named Virginia after Queen Elizabeth (Virgin Queen - «Virgin Queen"). Beginning of a more numerous migrations to the Americas was laid the first batch of English-Puritan emigrants who arrived in America on the ship "Mayflower" and landed in 1620 near Plymouth Rock. Over twenty years of about 200 ships with a new batch of immigrants have made trips between England and New England, became known as the new colony of settlers-British. From the territory of Massachusetts, they moved to the north and south along the coast and ocean to the west into the interior of the continent, displacing and destroying the Indians - Native Americans. In the conquest and exploitation of new lands involved colonists from other European countries - the Dutch, Swedes, Germans and British had to compete with them in the struggle for new space. Over the half century English colonists was seized almost the entire eastern part of the contemporary United States. The new state - United States - was formed in the course of a successful war, the former North American colonies of England independence (1775-1783). In 1787 the United States Congress adopted a federal constitution. In 1790 organized the first census of the new English-speaking country. Its population was 4 million. Over the next century the population of the United States continuously growing due to immigration from various European countries.

English U.S. has a number of specific features, because its development was held in the new environment, although contacts with the British, the British and were not interrupted. Differences between English in the USA mainly deal with pronunciation and vocabulary, but in respect of grammatical structure it is essentially no different from the British version, and it is usually regarded as American English.

In Canada, the British colonialists entered in 17. When there already existed the French settlement. Until the mid-18 century. Canada was a French colony. The British adopted their rule there, after the Seven Years' War, 1756-1763 years. In 1867, Canada received the status of British dominion. Full state independence, Canada has made in the period between the first and second world wars. Anglokanadtsy make up the bulk of the population. State languages ​​of Canada are English and French. English Canada does not differ from the American variant.


The colonization of India was prepared by the East India Company, founded in 1600, which has monopolized the trade with India, sang in the Indian wars of conquest and forced out of the country of its rivals - the Dutch, Portuguese and French. In the second half of the 18. India became a British colony and English is widely used in the country. With the restoration of independence of India, the role of its national languages. Existence on its territory some 200 languages, making the language situation in the country is extremely complicated. As an official language of India recognized Hindi (belongs to the Indian branch of the Indo-European family of languages), English language continues to be widely used in the functions of the state language. A single national language in India do not. Nnlyayutsya literary language of Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil and others.

The colonization of Australia began in the late 18 century. For several decades, and in limited military convict settlements. It increased sharply in the mid-19 century. When in Australia were discovered gold deposit. An important sector of the economy was export of wool. With the massive influx of immigrants and the development of capitalism at the end of 19. Australian English has developed a nation. Remains of Indigenous Australians, almost completely destroyed, to eke out a living on reserves. Throughout history, the population of Australian English is undergoing some changes, mainly in the lexicon. Literary language is guided Australia to the British rule, aided by print and broadcast.

In New Zealand English has established itself in the same way as in Australia, and also the language of the majority.

































Development of the English language as a representative of the German language was formed, after passing the stages of formation, due to similar historical factors.

The development of European national languages ​​(and language standards (spelling unification, creating the first national grammars and dictionaries) are closely associated with the emergence of printing. This is due to the need to normalize the public use of language, which runs now, not only in speech and handwriting, but also in printed form. Thus begins developed and written rules. It is discussed and gradually comes to normalizing the works, grammars and dictionaries. Interestingly, the emerging European dictionaries are based on interpreting the type of grammatical canon native language - the norm, while acting as landmarks in its creation

In reviewing the events that influenced the creation and dissemination of standards, especially emphasized that in England - a unification of the country around London, the invasion of the Danes, the threat of extinction of a national language during the Norman conquest. Ending the war with Napoleon and the return of interest in the country from Europe played a crucial role in establishing standards in the country and its spread throughout the world as an international language. Incentive for the dissemination and wider use of literary language, we have seen only in XIX - XX centuries., After reunification, when it became necessary in the public use of language. Now he gets national status. In the middle of the XIX century. end phase of the norms of literary language of the classical era and the beginning stage of development of modern languages.

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