Education in Kazakhstan. Education in Britain.

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Апреля 2013 в 14:21, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary education which is obligatory. The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language or ethnicity and guarantees equal rights in education regardless of nationality. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. As a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighborhood.

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Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:

Anniversary; fundamental educational and scientific  training; qualified specialists; multilevel system; retraining of specialists; undergraduate students; 34 papers were presented; were exhibited; laboratory workshops;  create;  a gift of the Japanese Embassy;  provided educational literature; to maintain; other equipment; implementing projects; carrying on and multiplying; its renowned  traditions;


Ex.2. Match the following   words and expressions from column A with those in column B.

        A                                                                           B

1. Undergraduate                                                         a) выставка

2. Papers                                                                     b) создавать

3. Exhibition                                                               c) посольство

4. To publish                                                               d) приблизительно

5. Anniversary                                                            e) оборудование

6. Create                                                                     f) курсовая работа

7. To specialize                                                           g) выпускник

8. embassy                                                                 h) специализироваться 

9. equipment                                                              I) опубликовывать

10. Approximately                                                      j) годовщина


Ex.3. Fill in the gaps with the words given in brackets.

1. ASU successfully implements ... system of higher education.

2. Electronic textbooks, educational software and laboratory workshops on ... ... are created at the university.

3. There are 3 ultramodern language laboratories for 90 seats – ... of the Japanese Embassy. 4. There are 920 550.... In the library.

5.The Almaty State University named after Abai maintains its high status of Kazakhstan's first higher education institution, carrying on and multiplying its .... .

6.11 And 15 works correspondingly were ... at international and republic-wide exhibitions.

7.63 monographs and 45 books were ..., 6 certificates of authorship were received.

Various subjects, renowned traditions, published, a multilevel, books, a gift, exhibited


Ex.4. Make a conversation based on the text, using these questions.

1. When did the Almaty State University (ASU) named after Abai celebrate its 75th anniversary?

2. How many departments are there in the Almaty State University?

3. How many instructors work in this university?

4. How did the president of the country, N.A.Nazarbaev name the oldest higher education institution?

5. Name honorary professors of the Almaty State University.

6. There are 3 ultramodern language laboratories for 90 seats. It is a gift of the Japanese Embassy, isn’t it?

7. What did embassies of foreign countries provide?

8. How does the university maintain contact with institutions of other countries?

9. Who is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School?


GRAMMAR: The Past Perfect Tense




I  had worked

I     had not worked

     Had I worked?

I’d worked                                   I hadn’t worked

  • The Past Perfect Tense denotes an action completed before a certain moment in the past.
  • Past Perfect + Past Indefinite

 He had finished his work when I called him.

He had finished his work by 5 o’clock yesterday.

 The Past Perfect Tense is used with the conjunctions: hardly..., scarcely..., nearly..., barely... + Past Perfect ... when + Past Indefinite. No sooner + Past Perfect... than + Past Indefinite. He had hardly done it when they came.


Ex.5. Use the Past Perfect Tense.

Examples: Why didn’t you listen to that play on the radio? –  Because I had heard it before.

1. Why didn’t you see Fred when you came to Astana? (Leave) 2. Why didn’t Kate want to go to the cinema? (See the film) 3. Why didn’t you tell him my new address? (Forget) 4. Why didn’t Jeff hear about Kate’s examination? (Pass) 5. Why did Fred come home so soon from his holiday? (Spend all the money) 6. Why couldn’t you get into your flat at once? (Lose the key)7. What did you learn about Bob? (Get married).


Ex.6. Make sentences using the words in brackets.

Example: His hair was wet. (He/ just/ have/ a shower)- He had just had a shower.

1. There was nobody at the platform. (The train/just/ leave). 2. We didn’t find anybody at home everybody/already/go out). 3. The children were playing in the garden. (They/just/come/from/school). 4. Bob wasn’t at home when I arrived. (He/arrange/to meet/some friends/at the club).5. I couldn’t recognize the child after all that time. (I/not/see/her/for seven years)  

Ex.7.Use the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs given in brackets to complete the sentences.

Example: When John and I got to the river, the boat race (start already)

1. When she went to bed, she remembered that she (not/switch off the light).  2. She felt tired because she (walk a lot/ that day) 3. She went for a holiday after she (pass the exams). 4. I didn’t know what to do when they (show/me/the picture).         5. I didn’t look at the present until after she (go). 6. I was very sorry to hear that he (die). 7. He didn’t start speaking until the children (leave the room)\


Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect in the following texts. 

a) He (look) at his watch. In a quarter of an hour he (be) due at the General Meeting of the New Colliery Company -  one of Uncle Julian’s concerns; he should see Uncle Jillion there, and say something to him about Bosinney – ( not/make) up his mind what, but something – in any case he should not answer this letter until he (see) Uncle Jillion. He (get) up and methodically (put) away the draft of his defense. Going into a dark little cupboard, he (turn) up the light, (wash) his hands with a piece of brown Windsor soap, and (dry) them on a roller towel. Then he (brush) his hair, (turn) down the light, (take) his hat and … (leave) the house.

b) When Tom (wake), the farmhouse (burn), it (start) burning when the shell (hit). None of the other soldiers who (be) in the farmhouse (be) to be seen. They (be) lucky to escape. In the confusion they (miss) Tom who (sleep) on the kitchen floor. As his leg (be) broken, it (take) him hours to crawl across the room to the window. He (pass) out again and again. But he (be) sure he (not/want) to die and finally he (get) to the window and (pull) himself up so that he (can) look over the sill. Somebody (see) his head above the window and (get) him. Tom (not/remember) any of that. He never (find) out whom (save) him.


Ex.9. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of tense-aspect forms.

1. Мы  проработали вместе уже много  лет, и я фактически мало  знаю о тебе. 2. Когда мы подошли  к тому месту, где он уронил  кольцо, он остановился. 3. Тебе нравится  готовить? – Я люблю это. Это  одно из моих хобби уже много  лет. 4. Папа всегда называл меня  Катя. 5. Они возвращаются, я полагаю,  они остановятся в гостинице  на этот раз. 6. Она заперлась  и не сойдет вниз, пока они  не уйдут. 7. Я не знаю имена  всех в деревне. Я живу здесь  всю свою жизнь. 8. Я готовила  обед, в то время как она  прибиралась в комнате. 9. Не успели  они войти в дом, как разразилась  буря. 10. Я решила не идти на  выставку. Я пойду сегодня в  библиотеку. 11. Я уже три месяца  не меняла книги. 12. Я почти  ни разу не поел, как следует,  как приехал сюда. 13. Он не придет. Я только что разговаривал  с ним по телефону. 14. Филипп  отнес свой чемодан в вагон  и курил на перроне. 15. Они никогда  не танцевали прежде вместе. 16. Кто открыл Австралию?



Ex.10. Ask for the underlined part. Write the complete English question into the gap.

Example: The class plays football. Answer: The class plays football. What does the class play?


1) She never cleans the van.

2) Kim and Tina are playing ball in the garden.

3) They are running home.

4) Mr Johnson has been living in Montreal for ten years.

5) Anne likes her new job very much.

6) The Barnes are planning a trip to Norway.

7) The shop will be closed until next month.

8) Beverly usually gets up at 6.30 am.

9) He can't meet Sharon because she is very ill.

10) Every evening Steven listens to his new CDs.





Text: Education in Britain

Grammar: The Future Perfect Tense


The Five Ages of Education

British education has many different faces, but one goal. Its aim is to realize the potential of all, for good of the individual and society as a whole.   

1. Around hall of 3-and 4-year-olds   in Britain   receive   nursery education, and   many other   children   attend pre-school playgroups, mostly organized by   parents. Children of nursery  age need  care as  well as  education , however , and it is not   just their  mental requirements, but social , emotional  and physical  needs that  must be met.  In nursery schools, qualified   teachers, usually primary   teachers   with a nursery teaching   qualification, work alongside helpers   and nursery   nurses   to achieve this.

2.  Compulsory primary education   begins at the   age of   5 in England, Wales and Scotland, and 4 in Northern Ireland. Children usually start their   school career   in an infant school   and move   a junior school or department at age 7. In some parts   of the country , though  , children begin   at a  first   school  at age 5,  and move on   to a  middle  school at  age  8,9 or 10. Primary  schools  vary in size   and location,  some  having as  few   as two  teachers  and  others  as many  as 30. 

Subjects   covered   include English   mathematics   and   science, along with   technology, history, geography, music, art, and physical education.

At 7 and 11 years old   (and a secondary   school, at 14 and 16) teachers measure   children’s progress in each subject against attainment   targets.  In English for instance, there are   five basic targets: speaking and listening: reading: writing: spelling and handwriting.

3.  In Britain, most children of compulsory secondary   school age   (11 to 16) receive   free education   financed   from public   funds. This may be a comprehensive (mixed ability) or a grammar school. A small proportion   attends private or independent schools, not   financed   by the state.  The large   majority   of schools   teach both   boys and girls   together. The school year in England and Wales normally begins in September and continues into the following July, in Scotland, it runs   from August to June and   in Northern Ireland from September to June.

4. All Britain’s universities enjoy complete academic freedom. They appoint their own staff and decide what and how to teach. First degree courses usually last three or four years.

The Open University is a little different, because it relies on distance learning.

England and  Wales’s  34 polytechnics  tend to be  more vocationally –orientated  than universities , providing degree and  sub degree  vocational courses as well  as traditional  academic   degree courses. Many polytechnics   have close links with business, and many students have jobs and attend   part-time. For those   without standard   entry   qualifications, access and foundation courses can provide a way in to higher education. The number of access courses in Britain is increasing rapidly.

5. Education doesn’t stop with leaving school. Further  education in  particular  is learning which,  with its strong ties  with commerce and   industry,  is vital in the  effort to keep  Britain  economically  competitive.

Over 500 colleges of further education run courses on   everything from catering to business studies.  Most further education courses are vocational, but many colleges   offer more academic courses, such as GCSEs and A levels. Students may attend college part- time, day by day   or block release   from their   jobs or in the evening. The new National Vocational Qualifications, based on standards   of competence set by industry, are designed   to ensure   the relevance   of vocational qualifications to employers. They are based   on defined levels of attainment, to which qualifications can be assigned.




1. Phasing -in                                     

поэтапное введение

2. curriculum                                      

учебный план

3. around                                             


4. nursery                                            

детский сад

5. alongside                                        

рядом с

6. primary                                          

начальное обучение

7. infant school                                  

дошкольное заведение

8. junior school                                  

младшие классы (средней школы)

9. To vary                                            


10. as few as                                        

всего cover                                         


естественные науки measure                                     

оценивать, определять





почерк, каллиграфия acquire                                      


18. To broaden                                     


19. Range                                            


20. To demand                                    








24.non  graduate                               

студент последнего курса


бакалавр tend                                          

иметь  тенденцию appoint                                     




29.full-time student                          

студент очного отделения 

30. To ensure                                      




Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:

  1. infant school

2.   To vary

3.   As few as

4.   to measure

5.   Attainment

6.   Target

7.   To cover                                                       

8.   Science 

9.   To acquire

10. handwriting

11. To tend

12. To demand                                                   

13. Content

14. Vocational     


Ex.2. Match the words   and   phrases   in column   A with those in column B.


                         A                                         B

  1. graduate                                               a) достижения
  2. to vary                                                 b) всего
  3. non-graduate                                        c) оценивать
  4. vocational                                             d) расширять                                     
  5. attainment                                            e) отличаться
  6. to measure                                            f) насущный
  7. to broaden                                            g) обеспечить 
  8. as few as                                              h) профессиональный
  9. vital                                                      I) студент последнего курса


Ex.3. Complete   this   description   of a typical   school   education.





Everyone starts ………………… school.


Children go on to ……………….  School.  Some of these are called        Grammar schools, others   are   called ………. i.e. with mixed ability.


By Law, children   can ………. School at   this   age and …….. A        job, but many ……….. at school   for two more years.


If they   pass their exams, many ………… to university.




Ex.4. True or false? If the sentence is false, change it to make true.

1. In England   public   schools are the   same as state   schools.

2. Children at school are called   ‘pupils.

3. In British schools PE is   short for   ‘practical education’.

4. In Britain, the academic   year if usually   divided into   two terms.

Информация о работе Education in Kazakhstan. Education in Britain.