Американський варіант англійської. Граматичний аспект

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 02 Ноября 2014 в 18:29, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Актуальність даної теми полягає в тому, англійська мова є державною мовою багатьох країн світу, але у кожній країні вона має свій варіант.
Об’єкт дослідження : це характерні особливості американського варіанту англійської мови.
Предметом дослідження є граматичні особливості американського варіанту англійської мови.


Розділ 1.Історичні ввідомості про формування американської англійської мови…………………………………………………………………………….6
Розділ 2.Відмінності американської англійської мови…………………….11
Розділ 3.Граматичні особливості американського варіанту англійської мови…………………………………………………………………………...16
Список використаної літератури……………………………………………24

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  1. Вступ……………………………………………………………………………3
  2. Розділ 1.Історичні ввідомості про формування американської англійської мови…………………………………………………………………………….6
  3. Розділ 2.Відмінності американської англійської мови…………………….11
  4. Розділ 3.Граматичні особливості американського варіанту англійської мови…………………………………………………………………………...16
  5. Висновок……………………………………………………………………...21
  6. Резюме………………………………………………………………………...23
  7. Список використаної літератури……………………………………………24




















    Тема дослідження: Американський варіант англійської.  Граматичний аспект.

    Актуальність даної теми полягає в тому, англійська мова є державною мовою багатьох країн світу, але у кожній країні вона має свій варіант.

    Об’єкт дослідження : це характерні особливості американського варіанту англійської мови.

    Предметом дослідження є граматичні особливості американського варіанту англійської мови.

    Мета дослідження полягає у виявлені граматичних особливостей американського варіанту англійської мови та виявлення загальних відмінностей між американським та британським варіантом англійської мови.

    Завдання дослідження: 
• вивчити стан проблеми в науково-методичній літературі; 
• розглянути історичні відомості про походження американського варіанту англійської мови; 
• виявити граматичні особливості даної теми. 
• порівняти відмінності між американським та британським варіантом англійської мови.

    Методи дослідження:  
• аналіз науково-методичної літератури. 
• порівняльна характеристика американського та британського варіантів англійської мови.

     Наукова новизна дослідження полягає у виявленні та вивченні граматичних аспектів американського варіанту англійської мови.

    Практична цінність роботи полягає у тому, що ми розглядаємо формування американського варіанту англійської мови, звертаємо увагу відмінностей між двома варіантами мови, та виявимо і розглянемо граматичні відмінності американського варіанту англійської мови.


      Англійська мова в наш час є загальновизнаною мовою міжнародного спілкування. Вона використовується на всіх національних авіалініях, на ній говорять і пишуть сотні мільйонів людей різних національностей . Це мова сучасного бізнесу, науки, діловодства, інформаційних технологій і, звичайно ж, спілкування. 
      Зараз більше мільярда людей на землі говорять і прагнуть говорити по-англійськи, англійська є найбільш досліджуваною мовою в світі, її вплив так величезний, що здатний впливати не тільки на словники, але і на лінгвістичний лад інших мов. Широке поширення англійської в сучасному світі провокує англоцентризм. 
       Одна з можливих причин поширення англійської - багатство словника (близько 600.000 слів, за даними Оксфордського словника, не рахуючи спеціальної технічної лексики) і великий відсоток інтернаціональних понять (до 200.000 слів). Сюди слід додати багатство синонімічних рядів, яке дозволяє носіям англійської розрізняти відтінки значень. 
       Американський варіант англійської мови виявився більш вдалим ніж британський, і для цього було кілька причин. Одна з них полягає в тому, що американська англійська була у мовному відношенні особливо чистою і правильною, так як поселенці, люди з різних кутів Британії, опинившись разом в нових і ризикованих умовах, були змушені відкинути діалектні відмінності і утримувати в мові лише те, що було загальним для них усіх. Цікаво, що, будучи модернізованим варіантом англійської, мова американців в той же час зберігає очевидні риси англійської мови  
       У США в даний час проживає найбільша кількість носіїв англійської мови. Саме Америка в ХХ сторіччі найбільшою мірою сприяла поширенню англійської мови у світі. 
     Відмінності між англійською мовою в Америці та англійською у Великобританії протягом тривалого часу обговорювалися як у спеціальній лінгвістичній, так і в популярній літературі. Суперечки з приводу того, який з варіантів англійської мови слід вважати «зразковим» і чи слід вважати американську англійську ,мовою, остаточно відокремленою від британської англійської тривають і донині.



















Part 1. History of formation of the American variant of English language


In the beginning of the seventeenth century colonists from England have started to bring the language to America. The first settlement of Englishmen in Northern America has been based in 1607 is there was a city of Jamestown in territory of present state of Virginia. In November, 1620 arrived by the ship "Mayflower" puritans had been based the city of Plymouth. Inhabitants of these two settlements had various language traditions. Colonists of Jamestown " arrived mainly from the western part of England, from such counties, as Somerset and Gloucestershire, with a characteristic pronunciation for these places ( sound [s], that is Somerset they say the name as Zomerset, and a rolling pronunciation of a sound [r] after vowels) ". Plymuthcolonists arrived from east counties of England (Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Essex, Kent) and London where dialects were some other sort - so, the sound [r] after vowels there was absent. These sound distinctions continued to be kept and in the further. Carriers of various dialects were settled on the West and the south. And though the picture of distribution of dialects never was precise because of constant population shift from the north on the south and in the opposite direction and inflow of emigrants from the various countries of the world, distinctions at a level of dialects continue to be kept in the USA and now. In XVII - XVIII centuries streams of emigrants constantly grow, bringing with themselves a variety of languages and dialects. For example, the state of Pennsylvania was occupied mainly by Quakers who occured, as a rule, from average and northern parts of England. Formation of language of colonies influenced not only England. In XVIII century to Northern America the wave of immigrants from Ireland has rushed. In the West and the Southwest of the modern United States the main thing was the Spanish language. Along the river St.Lavrentiy natives of France lodged. In New York, Originally referred to New Amsterdam, the Dutch language predominated. Germans lodged in Pennsylvania. Besides a plenty of the Negros who have become by object slaveselling was imported into southern areas. All these new inhabitants of Northern America (it is not necessary to forget also aboriginals - Indians) brought the contribution to formation of a dialect of colonies. Mass emigration in the new state - the United States America - has proceeded in XIX - XX centuries thus, despite of an abundance of languages and cultures новопоселенцев, predominating language still there was an English. " Owing to natural process of assimilation the majority of families of immigrants started to speak English during a life of one-two generations ". However polycultural character of the United States is easy for noticing. In particular, policulture it is expressed at a level of antroponymus: " the USA meet personal names which have kept the national features: Spanish - Rodolfo, Dolores, etc., Italian - Antonio, Niccolo, Paolo, etc., Portuguese - Mario, Manuel, Raul, etc., German - Rupert, Rudolf, etc. ". However English language of North American colonies was essentially riched due to loans. They have borrowed words from American Indian languages for a designation of plants unfamiliar to them (for example, hickory - a sort of a hazel grove, or persimmon -) and animals (raccoon -woodchuck - a wood marmot). From the French language of a loan word chowder - a version of a soup, prairie -; from Dutch - words scow - a barge, a jolly boat, sleigh Many new words have appeared by a combination already known, for example, backwoods - a solitude, outskirt, bullfrog - (a kind of a frog). Many English words have received new value, for example, lumber in the meaning. "Stuff" (used in English language in narrower value - cloths, a tatter); corn in value "corn" (in England this word earlier designated any grain, as a rule, wheat). It is obvious, that new words appeared so far as as in a life of former Europeans now there was a set of new realities for which designation in English and other languages of words was not. Except for a lexicon, there was a difference in a pronunciation, in grammatic designs, especially strong - in intonation. Often the opinion expresses, that if colonization has occurred двумя-three centuries earlier, the American variant of English as strongly would differ from British as modern French - from Italian, i.e. instead of different variants of one language would appear different languages. However colonization has occurred after the invention of publishing and proceeded during an epoch of Education with its ideas of general formation. During long time the majority of the books readable in America, were English. Moreover, many colonists continued to support communications with England in what they differed from the Anglo-Saxon ancestors, as is known, torn any communications with continent after resettlement to British Isles. Proenglish adjusted Americans condemned any "Americanisms" emphasizing a difference between them and Englishmen. During present time many "Americanisms" have was extended even in the British variant of English language.


    Modern British language, first, is non-uniform; secondly, farther from the classical English existed 3 centuries ago. Inside of the British variant 4 language types are allocated: conservative English (conservative - language of royal family and parliament), the accepted standard (Received Pronunciation), RP - language of mass-media, it still name BBC English) and the advanced English (advanced - language of youth). Last type - the most mobile, it actively incorporates elements of other languages and cultures. Advanced English it is most of all subject to the general tendency to simplification of language. Changes occur first of all in the lexicon, one of the most mobile parts of language: there are new phenomena which should be named, and old get new names. The new lexicon comes to the British youth language and from other variants of English, in particular, American. Language of the formed population of London and southeast of England - in due course has got the status of the national standard (RP). Its basis «correct English " - makes language of the best private schools (Eton, Winchester, Harrow, Rugby) and universities (Oxford, Cambridge). It also is that classical, literary English which is base of any rate of English language at linguistic schools for foreigners.

And here America has created practically a modern language: changes have concerned not only phonetics and lexicon, but also the steadiest part of language - grammar. Therefore it is quite natural, that disputes are conducted basically around of two variants of English language - British and American.

Unlike the British variant the American English more flexible, opened to changes and easy for perception. In particular, therefore it also has received greater distribution to the world. It is language of new generation without the certain nationality and the residence which have been brought up on a masscult. English language of modern youth more or less the general owing to basically to the general culture, rock music, the dense communications both those ideals and idols which, since Elvis Presley, remain the general

One more feature of a modern spoken language of Americans - a designation of a class of subjects or the phenomena one of words of this class. This phenomenon in language refers to синекдохой (a designation of the whole in connection with). So, under the certificate of M. of A. Goldenkova, «Americans of all feathery predators name hawks ", that is "hawks". Also it notes the use of a word bug - "bug" - as a designation of all in general bugs (Last value of this word - " the electronic overhearing device " that has given an occasion and in Russian to name such devices "жучками") and words pine - "pine" in value "fur-tree" (including Christmas).

There is one more widespread sphere of English lexicon which recently actively gets into the literature and cinema and demands therefore special explanatory. It is a question about American slang.

Slang borrows enough most part of the dictionary of the modern American. In XX a century there is an active process of transition slang lexicon in literary English. «Permeability for nonliterary layers of language, especially сленга, long since is one of characteristic features of the American and Australian variants of English language ". In the recent past сленговыми such nowadays widespread words and expressions, as of course, to take part, to get up, lunch were. Especially it is necessary to tell about expression which recently enters into all school textbooks of English language, being by origin American slang idiom. This expression ОК, a colloquial abbreviation of a word-combination all correct. Now there is an active penetration into English language of others, than habitual to us, variants of the statement and denying. Instead of yes even British nowadays use yea. Besides» it is frequent Englishmen on Canadian manners speak not yes, and yap, and not no, and nope «The American variant of English has influenced and functioning of proper names. » In present century the tradition of use of derivatives of full names (diminutive and caressing forms) as independent names has continued development ". Derivatives of names in modern English language are used not only at a private-household level of dialogue (among relatives, friends and friends), but also in official conditions. As an example names of some presidents of the USA can serve it: James Earl Carter it was reduced up to Jimmy Carter, William Jefferson Clinton - up to Bill Clinton.

















Part 2.Differences of the American and British English language


As a rule, it can be heard from lips of leading national news though local leaders, as a rule, use a local dialect. A principal cause of such crushing - that the USA were occupied very non-uniformly by inhabitants of the different countries, therefore even now in speech of concrete district it is possible to catch shades of language on which here spoke once. For the sake of justice, it is necessary to note, as the British English has similar features - the pronunciation can depend not only on district, but also from social group speaking. It still renders the big influence on how speak in former colonies of the British empire, but there as there are the dialects most known from which - the Canadian English and Australian English.

Quantity of differences of English from American dialects hugely. Traditionally it is considered, that the English variant is more formal, and is under construction under more strict grammatical laws, than American though in many respects it is caused by distinctions in national characters, and diligence of caricaturists.

Thus activity of the American entertaining industry is felt and behind ocean. Many American expressions are used behind ocean, at that that the return occurs seldom enough. Though some expressions from American even more often used as American, are British, others are actively used, and the some people are so often used both there, and there, that are considered as a part of a standard language. That is juicy, some words and language turns which have come to new light with the first colonists have not changed, having lost thus the former use in Old. Thus, some elements of old English now are considered cleanly American. By the way, in case you collide with English speech, it will be useful to remember, that in Britain 24 hours system, while in America - 12- (except for medicine and millenarians) is more often used.

English curses in general. Englishmen, unlike Americans, talk smut rather seldom. Probably, it speaks specificity of their character. Therefore, if the Englishman who has approached to you has used in your address more than two obscene curses (the word "fuck" and derivative of it to obscene does not concern), be cautious: it is not excluded, that now you are to be beaten, and, probably, with legs.

To get stuffed = to fill a stomach, Englishmen love this word. Therefore in the British English popular saying of student's folklore «лучше переесть, чем недоспать» can sound approximately so: «It’s better to get stuffed than not to have your sleep out ". And here the American can advise you «to get stuffed» in some other situation, especially, if you not his best friend.

Lemonade. In America that’s the name of non-sparkled drink. And it is not excluded, that it, really, it will be made of a lemon. In England IT call "squash". And here "lemonade" in British variant should be necessarily sparkled and cold, and to taste reminds US "pop" or "soda" more likely

Concerning to distribution of a variant of English, it is necessary to add, that popularity of this language and its existence in the modern world as an international language are connected with leading positions first of all the USA. It is surprising, that in the majority of educational establishments, as a rule, teach classical British English (Queen's English, earlier King's English, Royal English), but the majority of students imitate the American variant.

The American variant of English language has developed in territory of the USA for the period from the basis of colonies about one today. It was formed on the basis of the British variant with inclusion of elements of languages of immigrants, Indians. Differs from British elements of grammar, a pronunciation, a writing of words (center, theater), lexicon (gas station, railroad) and to other attributes, has own ethnic (for example, [Black English]) and territorial (for example, [Appalachian English]) dialects. Some researchers are inclined to consider as its independent language (American language). The standard variant of the American English can be named General American; some researchers consider, that to territories of the USA is widespread, at least, 5 basic regional variants (the east of New England [Eastern New England], the continental North [Inland Northern], northern Midland [North Midland] (the largest), southern Midland [South Midland], the South [Southern]). The basic lexical and phonetic standards of the modern language are traditionally fixed in Webster «s Dictionary.


The American English has got the international value after the Second World War when the United States began to play the important role in a post-war reorganization of the world, and achievements in the field of policy, economy and modern technologies have allowed the USA to render significant influence for the whole world. Today the American English renders dominating influence on «world English» and it speaks following factors:

1. Population (the number of carriers of the American English makes 70 % against 17 % of carriers of the British English from the general number speaking on English as native).

2. More powerful economy of the USA in comparison with British.

3. Superiority in strength of higher educational institutions in the USA in comparison with the Great Britain.

4. Scale of the printing industry of the USA.

5. Relevancy of influence of the American mass media and information technologies on a global scale.

6. Appeal American the pop-culture and its influence on language and a way of life of all globe

7. International political and an economic situation of the USA.

Both American English and the British English are only variants of one same English language. Between them there are more than similarities, than distinctions, especially there where speech of the formed people sounds or language of a science is used. The reason of the majority of divergences are features of historical and cultural development of two countries, a variety of local and regional idioms and steady expressions, and also influence of mass media and advertising. Both Americans and British mutually laugh and dislike languages each other. From the point of view of Englishmen American English too rectilinear and rough, and the British English they esteem for language of polite people. Americans consider the British English overly as the tense, hypocritical language of snobs, and native American affable and friendly. At petrol filling station in the USA you will hear: " Fill her up, will you? ", and in the Great Britain: " Would you mind filling up my car? "

The American English so has come off from Australian, New Zealand, Canadian and other variants and has left far forward, most likely, because the representatives of many European people who have arrived to America in searches of the best life while Australia and New Zealand were occupied mainly by British who have kept the language have taken part in its formation. The American English now meets even more often: it study at schools and high schools of other countries alongside with the standard British variant (Standard British English). Some Americanisms supersede the British names of those or other subjects and concepts, and British sometimes use any more capacious and short word of the American variant in daily speech. This variant has won such popularity also that the USA play a huge role practically in all spheres of a life. Many, and it is rather fair, declare, that influence of this country comes too far, that the USA try to impose the point of view another. Partly it is valid so, but a subject of given clause at all is not the analysis of economic or political activity of America, and only the analysis of linguistic features of the American variant of English language and Its differences from British. Native speakers, both its British and American variants, concern to these distinctions with some share of irony. It is enough to recollect statements of known people on this theme: «England and America are the two countries divided by one language ", » At British and Americans really much in common, except for language " (O.Uald). Such ironic attitude is shown and at cinema. The hero of film «This mad, mad, mad, mad world» director Stanley Kramer says: «As these Englishmen have spoiled our language! »



















Part 3. Grammatical distinctions between American and British variants of English language


There is a certain difference in the use of times of a verb. So, instead of Present Perfect the American can use Past Simple. Refusal from Perfect Tenses in a spoken language became so usual phenomenon, that it already is time for entering in grammar; a phrase: «Did you go see «Redhead «with Arnold? » It is represented to many Americans absolutely natural and true though situation ally on all norms including described in American грамматиках, it is required perfect: «Have you seen …? » Or though in the colloquial form: "Seen" Redhead «yet? » Usually main the contribution to ignoring times of group Perfect attribute to immigrants from those countries in which language there are no perfect times, mention also Russian. However any á¡ú½«-speaking American will take advantage Perfect if other choice will make the statement ambiguous or not clear. Past participle a verb got sounds as gotten.

Информация о работе Американський варіант англійської. Граматичний аспект