Голыцин Борис Борисович

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Октября 2013 в 12:19, биография

Краткое описание

Here questions of speed of distribution of superficial seismic waves, coefficient of absorption of seismic energy, the nature and probable causes of microseismic fluctuations, polarization of cross waves of the second phase of an earthquake, depth of a seismic center, dispersion and attenuation of superficial seismic waves belong. Especially B. B. Golitsyn's work about an angle of emergence of seismic radiation and about the speed of distribution of seismic waves at various depths has importance. B. B. Golitsyn's works laid down in a basis of creation of an extensive network of seismic stations of the Soviet Union, high on the list in a world seismic network. In 1913 B. B. Golitsyn was appointed the director Main physical (further geophysical) observatories and in three years of the stay on this post absolutely changed this establishment, having told him a powerful impulse to creative scientific work.

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