Politology as a science

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Октября 2013 в 21:27, реферат

Краткое описание

The politology as a science exists more than two thousand years. As the modern science it was generated in the West after the ending of the World War II. The leading part belongs to the American political science which began to develop from the end of 50th.
Politology of the Western Europe is presented by significant researches. In fact the political science as an independent science has the object and a subject of knowledge. The subjects of politology are laws of formation and development of political authority. Object of studying politology are political relations in a society.


2. The aim: to open the basic milestone of becoming and development of the politology; to explain the maintenance of a subject and object of politology, and also methods and functions.
3. The Plan and theses of lecture:
1. The beginning of a politology.
2. Object and a subject of politology.
3. Methods and functions of politology.

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4. The literature:

1.Политология. Учебно-методическое  пособие.А., 1995г.

2.Зеркин Д. Основы  политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов  н/Д., 1996г., с.

3.Демидов А.И., Федосеев  А. Основы политологии. М., 1995, гл.5,  с. 96-100, гл.9.

4.Основы политологии. Курс лекций. А., 1995г., разд.1,  с. 46-58, разд.2.

5.Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология.  Уч. пособие.А., 1995.

6.Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999г.

7.Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н.  Политология. Уч. пососбие. А., 2000.

8.Андреев  С.  Политический идеал и политическая действительность.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №9.

9.Андреев С.  Политическое  сознание  и политическое поведение.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №8

10. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006

11. www.google.ru, www.google.kz

5. Control questions:

1. What are the sources of political consciousness formation?

2. What is the structure of political consciousness?

3. What is the purpose of political consciousness?

4. Define the concept "culture" and « a political culture ».

5. How are they connected with political system?

6. What is the structure of political culture?

7. Characterize the basic types of political culture.

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.






























1.   The Theme №10: Political elites and political leadership.

2.   The aim: acquaintance with concept and definition of political elite. Definition role of bureaucracy in functioning of political system. Consideration of the basic classical theories of political elite. Studying the concept and typology of political leadership and leaders. The analysis of political leadership institute in modern Kazakhstan.

3.   The Plan and theses of lecture:

1. Concept of political elite. Classical theories of elite.

1.   The Nature of political leadership. Typology and function of political leaders.

2.   Political elite of modern Kazakhstan.

4.The literature:

1.  Политология. Учебно-методическое пособие.А., 1995г.

  1. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г.
  2. Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995.
  3. Основы политологии. Курс лекций.А., 1995г., с. 70-78, 86-116, 151-156.
  4. Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие.А., 1995.
  5. Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 2001г.
  6. Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. пососбие. А., 2000.
  7. Капесов М.К. Основы политологии. Курс лекций, Алматы, 1995.
  8. Фетисов А. Политическая  власть:  проблемы легитимности-Социально-политический журнал, 1995, №3.
  9. Конституция РК:  1995, «Вести Казахстана»-  8 сентября, разд.2.
  10. Пушкарева Г.  Власть как социальный институт- Социально-политический журнал, 1995, №2.
  11. Залясин И. Политическое насилие в системе  власти.
  12. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006
  13. www.google.ru, www.google.kz

5. Control questions:

1.   Define the concept « political elite »?

2.   Who is the author of classical theories of elite?

3.   Open the maintenance of classical theories of elite.

4.   What is the nature of political leadership?

5.   Name criteria of classification and types of political leadership.

6.   What are the functions of political leaders?

7.   What is the  feature of formation of political elite of Kazakhstan?

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.







1. Theme №11: World politics and the international relations.

2. The aim: To consider the essence of world politics and system of the international relations, to analyze features of the international relations at the present stage, to open the basic directions of foreign policy of Kazakhstan.

3. The plan and theses of lecture:

1. Concept of the world politics. The system of international relations.

2. Types and kinds of the international relations.

3. Foreign politics of RК.

The problem of world politics and system of the international relations is one of the basic problems in all political science. World politics is understood as the term cumulative political activity of the basic subjects of international law. The structure of world politics is presented by following factors: foreign political activity of the national states, which make a basis of the international relations, political actions of regional interstate and public structures, groupings, the unions, and other associations, activity of the United Nations, and other organizations and establishments. The international attitudes are set of economic, political, ideological, legal, diplomatic and other communications and mutual relations between the states; the social, economic, political forces, the organizations and the social movements, acting on a world scene.

   From the moment of declaration of independence, the Republic of Kazakhstan, practically at once, has been recognized by the majority of the world states. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with many countries of the world. Besides Kazakhstan is a member of the international and regional organizations (the United Nations, OSCE, the CIS, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, etc.).

4.The literature:

1.Политология. Учебно-методическое  пособие.А., 1995г.

2.Зеркин Д. Основы  политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов  н/Д., 1996г., с.

3.Демидов А.И., Федосеев  А. Основы политологии. М., 1995, гл.5,  с. 96-100, гл.9.

4.Основы политологии.  Курс лекций. А., 1995г., разд.1,  с. 46-58, разд.2.

5.Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие.А., 1995.

6.Радугин А.А. Политология.  Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999г.

7.Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова  З.Н. Политология. Уч. пососбие. А., 2000.

8.Андреев  С.  Политический идеал и политическая  действительность.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №9.

9.Андреев С.  Политическое  сознание  и политическое поведение.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №8

10. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006.

11. www.google.ru, www.google.kz


5. Control questions (feedback):

1. Define the concepts: "world politics" and «system of the international relations».

2.What are the elements of the international system?

3.What is the role played by communications between their components in the international system functioning?

4.Name the basic types of the international attitudes{relations}.

5.What type of the international systems does the post-war world of the end of the 1940 – beginning 1980-s concern to?

6. What is feature of foreign policy of RК?

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.




































1. Theme №12: Political problems of sovereign Kazakhstan.

2. The aim: to open the basic stages in becoming of Kazakhstan independence; to consider features of political modernization of the Kazakhstan society at the present stage.

3. The plan and theses of lecture:

1. Stages of becoming of the sovereignty and democracy in Kazakhstan.

2. The features of political modernization in a context of tendencies at a sovereign stage of Kazakhstan society development.


  On16th of December, 2006. The republic Kazakhstan has noted 15-th anniversary of the independence. In scientist’s opinion, process of birthing the new state, is noted by several stages:

  • PreSoviet period (1900-1917);
  • The Soviet period (the 20-Ñ-end of 80th);
  • The finishing Soviet period (the end 80-х-1990гг.);
  • The postSoviet period (1991-1993гг)
  • The period of sovereign development of Kazakhstan (since November till our days)

   With introduction in November 1993 national currency has begun the mark of sovereign development of Kazakhstan "de facto", and the acceptance of the Constitution in 1995 has made this process irreversible on a way of promotion of Kazakhstan to civilized system.

    New independent Kazakhstan has formulated political system, which has the special qualities, also it has got the basic attributes of the state independence: the full, unlimited sovereignty, territorial leadership of republic, presence of republican citizenship, own legal system, the state symbols, etc. Besides in Kazakhstan Constitution principles of people's sovereignty, division of authorities, fundamental laws and freedom of citizens are recorded. The elements of representative democracy are created in Kazakhstan, free and regular elections, equality of citizens before the law, social, economic, ideological pluralism, values of tolerance, cooperation and the compromise are spent. The competitive party system is forming now.

4. The literature:

1.Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н.- Политология: учебное пособие – Алматы, 2000.

2.Основы политологии.  Курс лекции под ред. Капесова  Н.К.- Алматы, 1995.

3.Политология: учебно-методическое  пособие к семинарским занятиям -Алматы, 1995г.

4. Политология. Курс лекции под ред. Мустафина Г.Г. – Алматы,

5. Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие.А., 1995.

6. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006.

7. www.google.ru, www.google.kz

5. Control questions (feedback):

1. Name the basic stages of becoming of Kazakhstan independence.

2. When has Kazakhstan independence been proclaimed?

3. When did the first presidential elections in RК take place?

4. When has first Constitution of RК been accepted?

5. When has first two-chamber parliament of RK started to work?

6. Name the structural elements of political system in RK.

7. What is the feature of modernization of political system in RK?

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.






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