Politology as a science

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Октября 2013 в 21:27, реферат

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The politology as a science exists more than two thousand years. As the modern science it was generated in the West after the ending of the World War II. The leading part belongs to the American political science which began to develop from the end of 50th.
Politology of the Western Europe is presented by significant researches. In fact the political science as an independent science has the object and a subject of knowledge. The subjects of politology are laws of formation and development of political authority. Object of studying politology are political relations in a society.


2. The aim: to open the basic milestone of becoming and development of the politology; to explain the maintenance of a subject and object of politology, and also methods and functions.
3. The Plan and theses of lecture:
1. The beginning of a politology.
2. Object and a subject of politology.
3. Methods and functions of politology.

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1.   Theme №1. Politology as a science.

2.   The aim: to open the basic milestone of becoming and development of the politology; to explain the maintenance of a subject and object of politology, and also methods and functions.

3.   The Plan and theses of lecture:

1.  The beginning of a politology.

2.  Object and a subject of politology.

3.  Methods and functions of politology.


     The politology as a science exists more than two thousand years. As the modern science it was generated in the West after the ending of the World War II. The leading part belongs to the American political science which began to develop from the end of 50th.

  Politology of the Western Europe is presented by significant researches. In fact the political science as an independent science has the object and a subject of knowledge. The subjects of politology are laws of formation and development of political authority. Object of studying politology are political relations in a society.

   The politology in the researches uses various methods, such as philosophical, social, logically mathematical, historical, etc.

   Functions of politology follow from double character of people:

Cognitive and practical functions, are focused on using of the analysis results in political activity, promoting to formation of political programs, functioning of political institutes by  knowledge of political process tendencies.

There are following functions: descriptive, explanatory, forecasting and tool in the political science. The political science as a science is closely connected with others society-keeping sciences - philosophy, sociology, the economic theory, psychology, ethics, history, etc.

4.   The Literature:

  1. Политология. Учебно-методическое пособие.А., 1995г., с. 90-100, 101-107.
  2. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г., с. 360-362.
  3. Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995, гл.5,  с. 96-100, гл.9, с.142-147, 160-165, гл.10, с.165-186.
  4. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. А., 1995г., разд.1,  с. 46-58, разд.2,  116-126.
  5. Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие.А., 1995, с.84-90, 90-100.
  6. Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999г., с.172-204.
  7. Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. пососбие. А., 2000, с.157-170.
  8. Андреев С.  Политический идеал и политическая действительность.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №9, с.22-23.
  9. Андреев С.  Политическое сознание  и политическое поведение.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №8, с.10-22.
  10. Марченко М.Н. Политология. Курс лекций. М., 1993, с.94-108, 139-149.
  11. Кейзеров Н.М. О соотношении  гражданской и политической культур. – «Социально-политические науки», 1991,  №7, с.121-128.
  12. Шоманов А. Поиск  казахстанской мечты. Политика. 1997, №1, с.67-74.
  13. Политология: курс лекций. А., 1994, с.71-78, 254-272.
  14. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006.
  15. www.google.ru, www.google.kz

5. The control questions (feedback):

1.   What is the necessity of studying of political science at High School?

2.   Why political education and education of Kazakhstan citizens is one of actual problems of the modern period?

3.   What is an object and a subject of political science?

4.   What methods of research in political science you know?

5.   Name the functions of political science.

6.   What is the connection between the political science with other social sciences?

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.
























1. Theme №2: the Basic stages of a political science becoming

2. The aim: Acquaintance with the basic stages of development of a political idea in the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, a political idea of Middle Ages and the development of political idea during an epoch of New time. To consider a number of concepts of that time. For-example, the theory of the public right, the natural contract and division of authorities.

3. The plan and theses of lectures:

1. A political idea of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome (Platon, Aristotel, Цицерон).

2. A political idea of Middle Ages (Augustine, Avreliy, F. Akvinsky, M. Luther).

3. A political idea of an epoch of Education.


Considering the first question it is necessary to begin from studying sights of the greatest representatives of the philosophicaly-ethical concept – they are Platon and Aristotel as philosophers-encyclopaedists.

     Platon (427-347. B.C.) is the founder of philosophical school in Athens, his works: "State", "Politician", "Laws". For example, in "State" Platon creates the sample of the ideal state, which will have all things arranged fairly. And there are three beginnings - reasonable, furious and leadering in human soul, corresponding to three similar beginnings of the state-consultative, protective, business which, in turn, correspond three estates-governors, soldiers, manufacturers. Thus, each beginning should be engaged in the business and not interfere with another matters.

    Platon gave huge value to forms of board, allocating as correct, so wrong forms. To correct he carried a monarchy, aristocracy and democracy on the basis of laws, and to wrong - tyranny, oligarchy, democracy without laws. Platon considers aristocracy as the board noble, and democracy during decline of the state can lead to tyranny.

   Aristotel has given the characteristic to forms of a state system. He wrote, that at correct forms of a state system governors mean the general useful, and at incorrect -the personal blessing. The great attention he gave to questions of the right, considered him, as the law, the political phenomenon. Aristotel wrote: «Governors, even the best governors, are subject to feelings and affects, as for the law – it is the counterbalanced reason. Aristotel’s ideas are actual till now.

   Studying of the second question is connected with an epoch of the Middle Ages, namely with becoming two models of authority and statehood: divine and secular. Great representatives of the religious concept are sights of August Blazheniy (354-430гг.), stated in the composition «the Hailstones Divine» and of Foma Akvinsky (1225-1274гг), stated in works « the Sum of divinity », «About board of sovereigns », etc. Their ideas are the sample of Christian scholasticism. But it is necessary to note that the Christianity promoted to humanization of a political idea, has impregnated it with ideas of morals, proclaiming norms of a life mercy and equality. And also the Christian outlook has changed attitudes between the state and the person.

   The political idea of the Muslim world in the middle Ages developed with influence of an Islam. Originally representations about the device of a society developed according to the Koran and Sunna, that is, the main sacred books of Moslems. But with occurrence in an Islam of two currents (Sunnism and Shiism) there were distinctions in understanding of authority and ways of its realization. 

In Sunnism’s representation the political life of Moslems develops within the limits of the state named khalifat. Such state is headed by caliph and the representatives of Muslim communities electing and supervising caliph. Shiits treat the state as imamates which is headed by the imam- the representative of the Allah on the earth. Therefore the authority of the imam is divine and unlimited.

    3 question. It is necessary to begin with the brief characteristic of Renaissance with its representatives: N.Makjyavelly, Z.Boden, T.Moor who have prepared beginning of new ideas during an epoch of Education and New time. Then consider a number of concepts of this time, for-example, the theory of the public right, the natural contract and division of authorities.

The great interest is represented with the theory of the public contract. Its basis is the statement about the state and legitimate authority results from the voluntary agreement of free people to live together and to submit laws. The main ideologists of this direction are T.Gobbs (1588-1679гг.) and Zh.Russo (1712-1778).

   The remarkable political thinker of this epoch is S. Montesquieu who has stated the ideas in work: « the Persian letters », « About spirit of laws », etc. Montesquieu wrote, that occurrence of the state is connected with the advent of a private property.     In Montesquieu opinion the political freedom may be in the state, where all attitudes are regulated by the right, where laws dominate over governors will, and  where there is a division of authorities in the state.

   The political idea of New time is full a variety. At this time there were various ideological currents: conservatism, liberalism, socialism. Conservatism has arisen in the Europe in the end of XVIII century and the beginning of XIX century. Conservatives called for restoration of a monarchy and revival of values feudal-aristocratic system. Conservatism supports to safe development of a society as the separate person, so all society. Conservatives consider the private property as a basis of economic power of the state. The state should not interfere with relations of the property.

      Liberalism as ideology has been directed on creation of necessary sociopolitical conditions for intensive development of capitalism. Liberalists proved the rights and freedom, from a position of a personal freedom and an industrial competition. Among political doctrines of 19 centuries the visible place belongs to socialism. Wide popularity of this period had such thinkers as Sen-Simone, Charles Fure, Robert Ouen. The Marxism has arisen and extended in 19 century. K.Marx and F.Engels's basic idea is the results of internal development of capitalism narrow frameworks of class and national relations will be overcome, conditions for deliverance of the person will be created. One of conclusions of Marxism is that the way to a communistic society runs through a social revolution, that is, through the period of a sharp class antagonism. This revolutionary violence is inevitable, as the bourgeoisie will not give authority voluntary, so the proletariat should win it.

4.   The Literature:

  1. Политология. Учебно-методическое пособие.А., 1995г.
  2. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г.
  3. Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995, гл.5,  с. 96-100, гл.9.
  4. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. А., 1995г., разд.1,  с. 46-58, разд.2..
  5. Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие.А., 1995.
  6. Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999г.
  7. Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. пособие. А., 2000.
  8. Андреев С.  Политический идеал и политическая действительность.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №9.
  9. Андреев С.  Политическое сознание  и политическое поведение.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №8.
  10. Марченко М.Н. Политология. Курс лекций. М., 1993.
  11. Кейзеров Н.М. О соотношении  гражданской и политической культур. – «Социально-политические науки», 1991,  №7.
  12. Шоманов А. Поиск  казахстанской мечты. Политика. 1997, №1.
  13. Политология: курс лекций. А., 1994
  14. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006.
  15. www.google.ru, www.google.kz

5. The control questions (feedback):

1.   Name representatives of a political idea of the Ancient World.

2.   What is the ideal model of the state on Platon represents?

3.   Open substantive provisions of political views  of Aristotel.

4.   What contribution was brought in development of a political idea by Mark Tuly Tsetseron?

5.   What has political views of thinkers of Middle Ages influenced?

6.   Name the basic representatives of an epoch of Education

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.











1. Theme №3: The politics in system of a public life.

2. The aim: acquaintance of concept of "politics", elements of politics, functions of politics.

3. The plan and theses of lecture:

1. Concept of politics and its origin.

2. Elements of politics.

3. Functions of politics.


Politics is one of the most widespread terms, designating the important sphere of a public life, which contact each person with and which causes burning interest in a society in some periods. The scientific understanding of politics differs from ordinary representations about it with its the system and severity, and gets into its essence. In understanding of an origin and essence of politics there is a set of the view points. It speaks in many-sided nature of this phenomenon in its modern form. With development of a society, complication of its social structure, also the maintenance of politics are naturally changed, fixing in theories. The elements of politics: 1) political institutes; 2) political relations; 3) political and law norms; 4) political consciousness, political and legal culture. Functions of politics: 1) definition of the purposes and problems of a society; 2) mobilization of resources on their realization: development of laws norms, application of norms, the control over observance of norms, distribution material and cultural wealth in a society. Integration of all elements of a society (classes, the nations, social groups, faiths, etc.). Formation of political consciousness of the masses, political socialization, legitimization (recognition by the masses of dominating authority and legitimacy, validity of its claims).


4.   The Literature:

1. Балгимбаев Саясаттану. Политология. А., 2004г.

2. Гаджиев К.С. Введение в политическую  науку. М., 1997г.

3. Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н.  Политология. Уч. пососбие. А., 2000.

4. Политология. Курс лекций под  ред. Марченко М.Н. М., 2000г.

5. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006

6. www.google.ru, www.google.kz


5. Control questions (feedback):

1. To define the concept of politics.

2. What are the elements of politics?

3. What are the functions of politics?


6. Illustrations and a distributing material: to use multimedia lectures and schemes on a theme: « the politics in system of a public life ».



1. Theme №4: Authority as a political phenomenon

2. The aim: to explain concepts of authority, to reveal the essence of political authority, legitimacy of authority and its types.

3. The plan and theses of lecture:

1.   Essence and concepts of authority.

2.   Concept of political authority and its feature.

3.   Legitimacy of authority. Legitimacy types.



1. The authority can be defined as a realization way of the general interests in achievement of overall aims. There are various approaches in definition of concept "authority". For example, authority are the relations, in which will and action of ones dominate over will and action of others. Political scientists consider political authority, that is authority above all society as a whole. All members of the society must submit to this authority , therefore political authority are the supreme form of authority.

The basic conceptions of authority are: teleologic, behaviors, psychological, low and other conceptions, which explain the nature authority’s beginning. Political authority  is ability of the certain class or the big social group or the majority of the society, and also the organizations of individuals representing them, to spend the will in relation to other groups, separate individuals, to carry out the general interests and the purposes by violent and nonviolent means. The political authority is based on the conventional, legalized system of values and on the basis of cultural traditions or belief in supernatural abilities of the person. The authority functions according to the law, and some times contrary it. The concept of legitimacy means the recognition by society, by the masses the validity and necessity of the political authority and its carriers. In narrow sense legitimacy characterizes legality of authority. In a broad sense legitimacy is conformity of authority of the law to the established norms, and also to the basic purposes of the state and to the standard principles and values. There are various types of legitimacy, including traditional, charismal, is rationally-legal.


4. The literature:

  1. Политология. Учебно-методическое пособие.А., 1995г., с. 90-100, 101-107.
  2. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г., с. 360-362.
  3. Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995, гл.5,  с. 96-100, гл.9, с.142-147, 160-165, гл.10, с.165-186.
  4. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. А., 1995г., разд.1,  с. 46-58, разд.2,  116-126.
  5. Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие.А., 1995, с.84-90, 90-100.
  6. Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999г., с.172-204.
  7. Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. пососбие. А., 2000, с.157-170.
  8. Андреев С.  Политический идеал и политическая действительность.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №9, с.22-23.
  9. Андреев С.  Политическое сознание  и политическое поведение.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №8, с.10-22.
  10. Марченко М.Н. Политология. Курс лекций. М., 1993, с.94-108, 139-149.
  11. Кейзеров Н.М. О соотношении  гражданской и политической культур. – «Социально-политические науки», 1991,  №7, с.121-128.
  12. Шоманов А. Поиск  казахстанской мечты. Политика. 1997, №1, с.67-74.
  13. Политология: курс лекций. А., 1994, с.71-78, 254-272.
  14. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006
  15. www.google.ru, www.google.kz


  5. The control questions (feedback):

1.   Define the authority.

2.   Name the basic concepts of authority, stop in more detail on each of them.

3.   Reveal definition of political authority.

4.   Name the basic attributes of political authority.

5.   What are the structures and functions of political authority?

6.   What is the legitimacy of authority in wide and narrow sense?

     7.     What types of legitimacy do you know?

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.




















1. Theme №5: Political system of a society.

2.   The aim. Acquaintance with essence and concepts of political system of a society, and also with structure and functions, typology, classifications of political system. The problem of reforming of political system in RK. The basic concepts of political regimes, the role of totalitarianism and democracy in political system.

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