Politology as a science

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Октября 2013 в 21:27, реферат

Краткое описание

The politology as a science exists more than two thousand years. As the modern science it was generated in the West after the ending of the World War II. The leading part belongs to the American political science which began to develop from the end of 50th.
Politology of the Western Europe is presented by significant researches. In fact the political science as an independent science has the object and a subject of knowledge. The subjects of politology are laws of formation and development of political authority. Object of studying politology are political relations in a society.


2. The aim: to open the basic milestone of becoming and development of the politology; to explain the maintenance of a subject and object of politology, and also methods and functions.
3. The Plan and theses of lecture:
1. The beginning of a politology.
2. Object and a subject of politology.
3. Methods and functions of politology.

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3.   The Plan and theses of lecture:

1.   Essence and concepts of political system of a society.

2.   Structure and functions of political system.

3.   Typology and criteria of political system classification.

4.   Institutes of political system. The problems of reforming of political system in RК.



1.   Concept «the political system of a society» includes the whole complex of the interconnected and cooperating political organizations and establishments, which provide authority and management in this society.

2.   Acting the structurally functional approach position, American scientist Almond suggests to analyze entering and proceeding factors, looking to the functions, incorporated in the system. By this definition, the political system is the system of interaction which are carrying out functions of integration and adaptation (as inside, so outside of a society) by means of application legitimate compulsion.

The basic functions of political system, as a rule, are reduced to problems of protection, ordering and development of the developed public relations in interests of the certain groups. Representing a basic position, the political system is the base of maintenance of authority existing in this or that country.

1.  There are various approaches to typology of political system of a society in a political science.

In the modern political literature the typology of political system of a society is written as:

- Traditional and modern (modernized);

- Liberal democracy and considerably-authoritative;

- Anglo-American and continental-European;

- preindustrial and partially industrial, etc.

Doing the classification of political system it is necessary to specify criteria of their differentiation. «A political regime » is all variety ways of realization by political system of the regulating functions in a society. It can be democratic, authoritative, and totalitarian.

      1. The Political relation, organized on the basis of norm, refers to as a political institute.

The state is the supreme form of the political organization around of which other institutes of political system are grouped.

   The institutional system includes also political parties and the political organizations. In the totality they are an intermediate section between a civil society and the state. Their purposes, problem, interests, etc. are forming in a civil society, but realizing in political sphere, by means of political mechanisms, through the state institutes.

  The activity of political institutes and interaction between them are carried out on the basis of, the certain principles and the norms making in aggregate standard-legal system.

   Political system of RK, its components are reflected in operating Constitution of RК, where especially emphasized (p.2 сl.1), that basic principles of Republic activity are: the public consent and political stability, economic development for the blessing of all people, the Kazakhstan patriotism, the decision of the most important questions of the state life using democratic methods, including voting on a republican referendum or in Parliament.

4.The literature:


  1. Политология. Учебно-методическое пособие.А., 1995г., с. 90-100, 101-107.
  2. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г., с. 360-362.
  3. Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995, гл.5,  с. 96-100, гл.9, с.142-147, 160-165, гл.10, с.165-186.
  4. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. А., 1995г., разд.1,  с. 46-58, разд.2,  116-126.
  5. Козлов Г.Я., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие.А., 1995, с.84-90, 90-100.
  6. Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999г., с.172-204.
  7. Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. пососбие. А., 2000, с.157-170.
  8. Андреев С.  Политический идеал и политическая действительность.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №9, с.22-23.
  9. Андреев С.  Политическое сознание  и политическое поведение.- «Социально-политический журнал», 1992,  №8, с.10-22.
  10. Марченко М.Н. Политология. Курс лекций. М., 1993, с.94-108, 139-149.
  11. Кейзеров Н.М. О соотношении  гражданской и политической культур. – «Социально-политические науки», 1991,  №7, с.121-128.
  12. Шоманов А. Поиск  казахстанской мечты. Политика. 1997, №1, с.67-74.
  13. Политология: курс лекций. А., 1994, с.71-78, 254-272.
  14. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006
  15. www.google.ru, www.google.kz

  5. The control questions (feedback):

1.   What is the system?

2.   Define political system of a society.

3.   What scientists were engaged in development of the theory of political system of a society?

4.   Present the mechanism of functioning of political system on D.Istone and Almond.

5.   What are the structure and functions of political system?

6.   What are criteria of classification of political systems?

7.   Name the basic types of political systems.

     8.   Is the political regime is criterion of division of political systems on various types?

9.   Name types of political systems, depending on a political regime.

6. An illustrative and distributing material: multimedia display of lecture.






























1. Theme №6: the State and a civil society.

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about an essence of the state and its typology; to learn the student to comprehend essence of a civil society and a lawful state.

3. The plan and theses of lecture:

1. An origin and essence of the state.

2. Attributes of the state, its functions and aims.

3. Types of the state.

    The term "state" has some meanings. So, in one case the state-is a country, society, people, located in the certain territory and represented by the higher government bodies. Other meaning of "state" – it is a set of the organizations and the establishments realizing power functions within the limits of certain territory, defining legislative and normative base of economic, political and other attitudes. Beginning of the states was promoted by various factors:

  1. Public division of labour and allocation of administrative work in separate branch;
  2. Private property, classes and operation appeared in process of public production;
  3. Some peoples conquer others;
  4. Geographical position, climatic conditions;
  5. Growth of number and population density, transition of people from nomadic to a settled way of life, etc.

          There are different approaches explaining the reasons of occurrence of the state in political science. So, according to the contract theory of the state, the main reason of the state creation is people having fear feeling before aggression from other people and fear for their life and property. Political anthropologists consider, that the state form of the society organization is in the human nature. It is necessary to pay attention also to the point of view of the German sociologist M. Weber, who believed, that definition of the state can be given, proceeding to specificity of the means applied by it for making its functions. On M. Weber’s opinion the state is the attitude of the people state above the people, basing on legitimate violence as means. »

Then it is necessary to allocate the states by forms of board and forms of a state system.

The management form -external expression of the state maintenance, caused by structure and a legal status of government bodies. Distinction between two basic management forms monarchy (absolute, constitutional) and republican (presidential, parliamentary) depends on position and character of the supreme government body.

   The important role in understanding the nature of the state plays state territorial organization, policy-legal status of its components and interaction principles of the central, regional and local authorities. There are following types of the states, according to this criterion of classification, they are: unitary, federal and confederative.

4. The literature:

1. Козлов Г., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие. Алматы, 1995г.

2.Политология. Учебно-методическое  пособие. Алматы, 1995г.

3. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г.

4.Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995.

5.Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Алматы, 1995г.

6.Политология. Курс лекций. Алматы, 1994.

7.Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. поссбие. Алматы, 2000.

8. Радугин А.А. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999.

9.Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 2001г.

10. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006

11. www.google.ru, www.google.kz

  5. The control questions (feedback):

1.   What is the civil society is?

2.   Explain process of formation of a civil society.

3.   What elements do make structure of a civil society?

4.   What is the lawful state?

5.   What does the concept of a lawful state consist?

6.   Name distinctive attributes of a lawful state.

7.   Why the state is the main institute of society political system?

8.   Name the distinctional features of states.  






















1. Theme №7: Political parties and social movements

2. The aim: to fix knowledge of students about an essence and typology of political parties, party systems and political movements.

3.   The Plan and theses of lecture:

1.   Concept of political parties. An origin and formation of parties.

2.   Typology of parties and party systems.

3.   Modern political movements, essence and versions.

    It is possible to note presence of various approaches in understanding of essence of political party and huge variety of its{her} definitions. Basically, they are reduced to define parties:

a) As the group incorporated by the general ideological values;

b) As specific kind of the organization;

c) As most active part of the certain class or other social groups, representing their general interests;

d) As expressions of political conflict in a society and instruments of the decision of the concrete problems caused by it.

Developed definition of political party and its function gives R.Z.Shvartsenberg. He names following attributes of parties: long-term action; full-scale organization; aspiration to realization of authority; search of national support, especially by elections. So- definition « the Political party” - continuously operating organization existing as on national, so on local levels, aimed at reception and departure of authority and, aspiring with this purpose to national support. And now we shall pay attention to occurrence of modern parties. Modern parties have arisen in the Europe and America in 19 century. Occurrence of political parties is connected with introduction of the general suffrage, development of working class and appearing of class consciousness of colonial people. For example, in England parties have resulted from selective reform in 1832, in the USA parties have been organized in 30th 19c. At president Johnson, in France and others European countries-during revolution 1848, Russian social democratic party-1898, esser’s party -1902.

In variety of functions of modern political parties it is possible to allocate some general functions following from essence of social institute. The basic from these functions is revealing and expression in the general form and protection of interests of various social groups in political system. Other ones is not less significant, general function of parties is the development of ideologies and the political doctrines reflecting social interests of public groups, a formulation of rules of political tricks. In political science the various criteria of classification of political parties are offered. Depending on class character the party is divided on workers, bourgeois, country, etc. Depending on an ideological attribute differ revolutionary, reformist, conservative, pragmatical. Depending on a place borrowed in political system and a role which they play, they can be divided on ruling and oppositional, vanguard and parliamentary, parties of the selective companies, parties-clubs. Variety of the historical, social, economic and political conditions describing the present world community, causes occurrence and functioning of various party systems. Conforming of this or that system depends on greater part, it does not depend on character of political building, but on the concrete historical situation developing in the country. All-party movements are the forms of people association, joint aspirations describing them to realization of overall aims. Finding the certain structures, they develop into the organizations. Social movements and the organizations differ on many other things by attributes: by the aims, place of activity, by character of occurrence, ways of the organization, etc.

4. The literature: 

1. Козлов Г., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие. А., 1995г.

2.Политология. Учебно-методическое  пособие. Алматы, 1995г.

3. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г.

4.Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995.

5.Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Алматы, 1995г.

6.Политология. Курс лекций. Алматы, 1994.

7.Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. пососбие. Алматы, 2000.

8. Радугин А.А. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999.

9. Назарбаев Н.А. Стратегия становления и развития Казахстана как суверенного государства. Алматы, 1992г.

10.Радугин А.А. Политология. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 2001г.

11. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006

12.www.google.ru, www.google.kz

5. The control questions (feedback):

1. Define the concept "political party".

2. Name the basic stages of formation of political party.

3.  Name functions of political parties.

4.  List features of political parties.

5.  How does the political party differ from social movement?

6.   What is the party system?

7. What is the communication between selective and party systems?

8. Are the concepts identical: multi-party system and multi-party systems?

9. What party system is more effective : one-, two- or multi-party system? Prove the answers.

10. Are the moratoriums on political parties admissible?

12. What political parties and social movements in RК do you know?






1.   The Theme №8: Political process and political activity.

2.   The aim: To learn students revealing essence, structure and types of political process; to fix knowledge of students about essence of political activity.

3.   The Plan and theses of lecture:

1. Concept of political process, its essence and the basic characteristics.

2. Typology of political process. Foreign policy and domestic-political processes.

3. Political activity, its subjects and objects

   Political process acts as result of occurrence of groups, as action of the government and their influence on a condition of a society.       

   Political process is the form of functioning of society political system , set of actions of policy subjects on realization specific functions in sphere of authority. By the structure the political process consists of following elements:

- The subject, as the carrier of authority;

- Object which should be created or will be reached as the aim of process;

- Means, methods, resources, executors of process.

The scientific literature distinguishes following modes of political process existence: a mode of functioning, development and decline. There are various types of political process which differ to different attributes of influence, publicity of realization by ruling circles of the imperious powers, decision-making, from the point of view of political system stability, etc.

   Political activity is voluntary and conscious intervention of the separate person or group concerning authority of the system with the aim of its adaptation to the interests and values.

4. The literature:


1. Назарбаев Н.А. Стратегия  становления и развития Казахстана  как суверенного государства.  Алматы , 1992г.

2.  Козлов Г., Булуктаев Ю. Политология. Уч. пособие. Алматы, 1995г.

3. Политология. Учебно-методическое  пособие. Алматы, 1995г.

4. Зеркин Д. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Ростов н/Д., 1996г.

5. Демидов А.И., Федосеев А. Основы политологии. М., 1995.

6. Основы политологии. Курс лекций. Алматы, 1995г.

7. Политология. Курс лекций. А., 1994.

8. Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Политология. Уч. пососбие. Алматы, 2000.

9. Радугин А.А. Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 1999. 

10. Радугин А.А. Политология.  Уч. пособие для вузов. М., 2001г.

11. Methodical instructions for students in politology / SSMA 2006

12.www.google.ru, www.google.kz

5. The control questions (feedback):

1. What is the essence of political process?

2. What are the basic features of political process?

1. Name criteria of typology of political process.

2.  What are the mechanisms of management of political processes?

3.   What is characteristic for internal political and foreign policy process?

4.   What is criterion of knowledge on the engaged and not engaged political processes?

5.   Define as concept « political activity ».

6.   What are the subjects and object of political activity?




































1.  Theme №9: Political consciousness and political culture.

2. The aim: Consideration of political consciousness essence and a way of its reforming, to understand the maintenance, structure and functions of political culture, to open essence and features of political socialization.

3. The plan and theses of lecture:

1. Essence of political consciousness. The structure and functions of political consciousness.

2. Political culture: concept, structure and functions.

3. Concept and the basic features of political socialization

         The political life is characterized by the diversified displays of human spirituality and expressed in the coordination of programs, doctrines, projects, depends on types of religion dominating over a society and world outlook installations.

   Political consciousness-one of the basic forms of public consciousness, an organic part of political activity. Only in political consciousness complete reproduction of a political life is carried out, its separate fragments can be reflected by other forms of public consciousness.

    Political consciousness is many-sided and the most significant components of its structure are determined by those functions which it carries out in the politics. Studying of political consciousness we approach closely to wider problem- to political culture. The political culture is the part of human culture as a whole. It synthesizes political consciousness, activity and behavior of people in sphere of imperious relations and managements of public affairs. So, one of the main things criterion of civilization is the level of political culture in the society, in the concrete country.

      Political socialization is understood as set of those activity forms, which results to acquiring the political culture by individual or the group, finding the property of political subjectivity. Differently, political socialization is the process of entering of the person into a political life of the society, assuming mastering by the certain political values, norms, samples of behaviour and ways of political activity and behaviour, and also the creative active relation to them.

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