Институционализация государственной власти в политической системе Республики Казахстан

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Октября 2012 в 18:14, автореферат

Краткое описание

В 2010 году Республика Казахстан подводит итоги двадцатилетия своей независимости. В Послании народу Казахстана «Новое десятилетие – Новый экономический подъем – Новые возможности Казахстана» в январе 2010 года Президент Республики Казахстан Нурсултан Абишевич Назарбаев отметил: «Сплотившись во имя достижения стратегических целей, определенных Стратегией развития до 2030 года, мы с успехом выполняем свою миссию – строим независимый, процветающий, политически стабильный Казахстан»

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– to justify the role of the political leadership in the process of building the Kazakhstani statehood;

– to propose the author’s vision of parliamentogenesis in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– to define the influence of subsequent democratization of the political system on the process of  further institutionalization of supreme administrative institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– to identify the status and reveal prospects of interaction of supreme authorities and ethnoconfessional processes;

– to disclose the role and assess the degree of influence of the Kazakhstan Peoples’ Assembly on the political system;

– to formulate, by way of politological analysis, the author’s recommendations on further improvement of supreme power institutions in the context of summarizing the 20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The research objects include state power institutions in the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The research subject is processes of formation, functioning and problems of development of supreme power institutions in the context of democratization of sovereign Kazakhstan.

Scientific novelty of the work is based on complex investigation of institutionalization of state power in the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the basic stages of this process have been defined, its evolution-and-successive nature has been proved, and prospects of further development of supreme authorities of public management have been analyzed in the context of democratization and preservation of stability and public consent in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the basis of the above stated, the scientific novelty of the thesis lies in the following:

– retrospective analysis of views of power institutions in foreign and domestic political thoughts has been carried out;

– politilogical analysis of theories and methodologic approaches to be available in the scientific literature and contributing to comprehensive disclosure of problems of power institutionalization has been carried out;

– the conceptual apparat disclosing the essence of the process of formation and development of supreme power authorities has been characterized;

– the author’s approach to the problem institutionalization of selection of a certain model of the republican management system has been developed in the context of revealing the objective basis of its formation and political efficiency;

– by the way of using the comparative method, the dependence of a certain model of power institutional organization on peculiar conditions to be inherent in a certain political system has been proved;

– the author’s periodization of formation of supreme power institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan such as presidency and parliament has been developed and features of this process at each stage have been revealed;

– the peculiarity of the Kazakhstani power institutionalization based on the process of the political system transformation has been revealed

– the legal strengthening of the presidency institution has been analyzed and politologicaly justified in the context of modernization Republic of Kazakhstan;

– the leading role of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in the general process of transformation of the political system and formation of the power and institutional structure of the Republican administration has been defined;

– the author’s vision of the necessity of development of the parliametarism in the context of transfer to the presidential and parliamentary republic and further democratization of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been subjected;

– its has been defined that further development of supreme bodies of pubic administration require obligatory continuance of implementation of reforms of democratization of the Kazakhstani society leading to activation of the role of institutions of the civil society, development of the local public administration and self-administration;

– inter-influence of ethnoconfessional processes and activity of supreme power institutions in Kazakhstan has been proved; the basic factors of further preservation of social concord in the Republic have been revealed;

– the significance of raising the status of the Kazakhstan Peoples’ Assembly in institutionalization of the state power as the objective process of support of internal political stability and future development of the country has been defined for the first time;

– it has been defined that for the promising development of the process of power institutionalization, improvement of the structure and functions of current authorities of public administration is required on the basis of creation of the strategy of the new quality level of their functioning;

– results of the 20-year experience of formation of sovereign Kazakhstan have been summarized regarding power institutionalization of the political system; and provisions having significance for further development of the political system on the whole have been formulated.

Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis lies in the fact that conclusions received in the process of research can be used in scientific researches of the promising development of supreme power institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as for correlation of their activity. Materials and conclusions of the thesis can be used when delivering lectures on Political Science.





































































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Информация о работе Институционализация государственной власти в политической системе Республики Казахстан