Thomas Coryate

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Ноября 2013 в 13:20, биография

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Thomas Coryate (1577-1617) - English traveler and writer, who lived during the late reign of Queen Elizabeth and the early reign of King James I. He was born in Somerset and after Glosesetr Hall (now Exeter College) was invited by Prince Henry - the elder son of James I - serve at the court of someone like "court jester".

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Thomas Coryate

Thomas Coryate (1577-1617) - English traveler and writer, who lived during the late reign of Queen Elizabeth and the early reign of King James I. He was born in Somerset and after Glosesetr Hall (now Exeter College) was invited by Prince Henry - the elder son of James I - serve at the court of someone like "court jester".


1608 marked his first trip to Europe. In this case, slightly less than half way done on foot Coryate. Three years later came the publication of the book "Vegetables, served before the meat, which quickly and in large quantities are absorbed Coryate five months stay in France, Italy, etc.. 'The book describes the lives of Europeans of the time, attention is unusual detail relating to the activities of the Venetian school - one of the most significant musical movements. Coryate also stops at festivals in the Venetian church of San Rocco, with polihoralom and instrumental music by Giovanni Gabrieli, Bartolomeo Barbarino et al.


In 1611, from the pen of the traveler leaves the second volume of essays - Katran Coryate, or double-boiled cabbage leaves "- and a year later Coryate goes to see Asia, Greece, Persia and India. Being away from home, he sends a letter home. It is these letters formed the basis of labor, which was released after "Greetings from the palace of the Great Mogul," published in 1616 in London.


In 1617, during his trip to Surat Coryate died of dysentery. Nevertheless, his work and report writing, many of which have survived, continued to enjoy popularity. For example, a report about the customs and manners in Italy had a great influence on the cultural development of the British, which was important because by the time many of the phenomena of Italian culture (such as the madrigal) remained fashionable for over twenty years.


It is interesting that it was thanks to Thomas Coryate in English appeared word umbrella, formed from the Italian ombrello, that is "an umbrella" - a subject that was used by Italians to protect themselves from sunlight. Or a history of the fork, which brought Coryate equally as popular, and trouble.


"I saw the custom of ... that is not distributed in any Christian country, but only in Italy. ... The Italians have always enjoyed small forks when slaughtered meat.. and if someone was sitting at a meal in the company, touched a common dish hands, he will cause offense to the audience as the conflict with the rules of good manners ... The reason for the curiosities is that Italians do not want to touch the food, assuming that the fingers of a man is not always clean "- wrote Coryate.


However, the British did not share the enthusiasm Coryate and even awarded him the nickname «Furcifer». (Translated from the Latin word meaning "scoundrel, rogue, vagabond," and etymologically it goes back to the days of the slave system, when the delinquent servants wore around his neck slingshot (or block) in the form of V or P.)


Not surprisingly, the Coryate was offended by his countrymen, and, in turn, described them as "crude, ignorant, clumsy, greedy barbarians." Nevertheless, precisely because "vilkonosu in England have a new item for the meal, which greatly contributed to improve the cultural feast.


In the 18th century experience Coryate used for the education of boys from the upper class. Today he is regarded as the first Englishman, who managed to make a big trip to Europe ...

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