Theme: Education in English-speaking countries

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Октября 2014 в 12:18, лекция

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Firstly we shall learn some new words on the topic “School Education”. Please, open your books on page 76 exercise 68, Let’s read and translate the words and word combinations. The teacher acquaints pupils with a new lexical material from an ex. 68, p. 76. Pupils read words and phrases aloud from this exercise one after another and translate them. Very well. You are good pupils.

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Theme: Education in English-speaking countries.

Level: 7


1. Introduction and primary fixing of vocabulary on the theme "School education".

2. Fixing of spelling skills.

3. Improvement of reading skills on the theme "School".

4. Preparation for the oral statement in the form of a monologue.

Type of the lesson: combined

Methods and techniques: activities pair-work, group-work, conversation

Equipment: spelling task on cards, blackboard, student’s books.

Lesson course

I. Organizational moment   (7-10 min.)

Good afternoon, boys and girls. (Good afternoon, teacher)

Are you ready to the lesson? (Yes, we are ready)

Sit down, please!

Tell me please, who is absent today?

Who can tell me what day it is today? (Tuesday)

You are right! And what date is it today? (Today is the eleventh of February)

And now we check your home task. Who is ready with dialogue?(excellent/very bad)

Children, today we shall learn the new information about school education in different English-speaking countries.

 II. Introduction of vocabulary on the theme "School education". (3 min.)

Firstly we shall learn some new words on the topic “School Education”. Please, open your books on page 76 exercise 68, Let’s read and translate the words and word combinations.

The teacher acquaints pupils with a new lexical material from an ex. 68, p. 76. Pupils read words and phrases aloud from this exercise one after another and translate them.

Very well. You are good pupils.

III. Primary fixing of an introduced vocabulary. Work at the blackboard.  (5 min.)

All children like to play games. Now I want you to divide into three teams. The team, who will be working well during this lesson, will receive good marks at the end of the lesson. The others will receive "+"(pluses) and should try to work better at the following lesson.

Work in groups.


You have to match the words in ex. 69, p. 77 and make word phrases (combinations) as more as possible. Whose team will start reading? (13 words)

The teacher explains phrases in Russian or in English if it is necessary.

IV. Fixing of spelling and phonetic skills on the topic "School".    (3-5 min.)

Now, each team has the cards with the words. Look at your cards, please. Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and read the words on the topic “School”. You have 5 minutes on your work.

The teacher pays pupils' attention to the words written on the cards. After doing this spelling task the teacher offers children to read and to translate the words.



























Pupils, you work very well!

V. Improvement of reading skills on the theme "School". (15 – 20 min.)

We shall read the stories of three pupils about schools in different English-speaking countries. It’s exercise 66, page 75 in your textbooks. Each group reads only its paragraph! First group reads about Australia, second group – about Great Britain, the third – about the USA. You will read the texts to yourself quickly only to understand its general sense. You have only 5 minutes!

Ok, your time is up. Now, look at the blackboard. Each team has its own task to the texts!  
First task is to find English equivalents to the Russian ones from the text.

Образование                              государственные школы    платить

Юго-восточное побережье       дорогой                               принимать участие

В любое время                           полезный                             достигать

 Second task is to fill in the gaps in the sentences. Teams read one after another. Be attentive, please!!


1)Most children study ... ... ... where education is free.

2) How are children ... there?

3) By listening to the radio, watching TV and video the students ... about the world around them though they stay in their own homes.

4) Each unit including new material, illustrations, ... ... ... can be sent to pupils any time.



1) In Great Britain there are different types of ... ... .

2) Private schools in England and Wales are very ... and they are attended by about 5 per cent of the school population.

3) Public schools are famous not only for their ... ..., but also for the right friends and contacts which are useful for a successful future.

4)  Some public schools in Britain, such as Eton, have ... based on what was worn over a hundred years ago.


1) About 90 per cent of all children in the USA ... state or public schools where education is free.

2) Most of the private schools have ... ..., too.

3) They often ... ... in non-academic activities such as sports, drama clubs, school newspaper or radio.

4) But some Americans believe that the ... ... ... is going down.

And your last the third task is to continue given sentences orally one by one:


1) Most Australians live in cities along ....

2) These schools are situated in the areas far away from ...

3) The easiest thing to do is to use ....

4) Subjects are divided into ...


1) Most of them are state schools .....

2) The education in public schools is of high quality, ....

3) In some British schools uniforms are worn by all the pupils, ....

4) Some private schools are very famous, such as .....


1) In other words 43 million pupils and students go to public schools ......

2) In American public schools students ....

3) Americans think that each person should achieve .......

4) They think that the number of basic subjects is few, students watch .....

Who is ready to answer the question from the task?

Pupils read texts from the exercise 66 silently, and then do exercises written on the blackboard.

VI. Summing up of the lesson (5 min.)

The teacher sums up the results of the lesson , thanks children for work and explains hometask.

Our lesson is over. That’s all for today. Good-bye, boys and girls.

Home task: retell the texts according to the plan on the blackboard; workbook: ex. 3, p. 57.

Информация о работе Theme: Education in English-speaking countries