The woman in business

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Декабря 2014 в 16:22, доклад

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A business woman is both new and phenomenon. Lately the role of womеn in business was exceeded, has become more important. So what reasons prevent women to develop the abilities women have become practically equal to men in business how to resist to the stereotypes?!
The problem is urgent: success in business, in management doesn't depend on a sex of a businessman or a manager, the concept male and "female" business isn't so different from each other.

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Perm State University

The Faculty of Economics






The woman in business



Korshun Darya














A business woman is both new and phenomenon. Lately the role of  womеn in business was exceeded, has become more important. So what reasons prevent women to develop the abilities women have become practically equal to men in business how to resist to the stereotypes?!

The problem is urgent: success in business, in management doesn't depend on a sex of a businessman or a manager, the concept male and "female" business isn't so different from each other.

Any woman, certainly, faced a problem of the "hidden" discrimination: employers, especially in the sphere of business, often prefer not to accept to responsible positions of women, motivating it is in various ways, but never recognizing the main thing: in modern Russian society the stereotype continues to exist that the woman as a being of the weaker sex, can't simply cope with any responsible task.

However today the situation started changing. Ten years ago to see the woman at a car wheel, to put it mildly, was considered as a big rarity – today women own and drive a car on an equal basis with men. Ten years ago in the highest political elite there was practically no woman – today some of them take key places in the government, political parties; are heads of subjects of federation. Ten years ago the concepts "the woman in business", "female businessman" raised a smile at the simple inhabitant, today they cause respect.











What occurred for these ten years? As well as why the public consciousness – or, perhaps exchanged, women exchanged? I will try to give answers to these questions in the research.



As it seems to me, the question of the conflict between man's and female styles of the management is a little incorrect. After all when we speak about business, borders which concern a floor are erased here. And if we are guided at decision-making in business by the one who before us: the woman, or the man, it isn't advance, it not business. It, at best loss from a saddle of that process in which all world progressive mankind participates.

According to the Center of studying of public opinion, slightly less than 10% of women held senior positions in the late eighties. With arrival of the market of the woman began to get into a business management, including the large more actively. For last ten years Russia made huge jump in creation of the democratic state with market economy. The similar way of the state of Europe was passed decades, quite exactly and without shocks. Russia the same way, but much was necessary to repeat a smaller period.

Many phenomena and tendencies which accompanied this way, aren't always adequately perceived by society. Not because they are good or bad but because that stereotype of thinking which developed for many decades, isn't ready to their perception. Here such bright phenomenon I also called the woman in business, the business lady. Statistically, the number of women who take the leading positions in business, steadily grows. In 1996 from 200 large enterprises of business, already in a quarter of the companies the leading posts were held by women, and now average management in Russia for 60-65% is presented by women. Recently the Mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov told that the woman can occupy a capital chair of the town governor soon.

In our society there is no strategy of advance of the woman, there is no advertizing, there are no public relations. Look at television: it is considered that there are female programs – simple, tearful: "The second half", "A female look", "I - itself". Also there are man's - political, serious analytical, – "Mirror", "Hero of the day", "Times". We will be grateful to journalists if they are discharged of these stereotypes and prejudices and will pay attention to women in business and policy.


Typical antiscientific stereotype is the opinion that women - heads often forcedly get under influence of the subordinated men in questions of the future of the company, its strategy. I don't think that the strategic thinking is a man's prerogative.

Psychologists note that there is such opinion: the female top manager builds more careful relations with the partners in business, avoiding too risky strategy. However it doesn't mean at all that the woman isn't able to risk. The same researches showed, as men, and women – heads almost equally estimate own abilities to adoption of risky decisions.


Pay attention if the woman in the work uses emotional methods of the management, male heads sharply are negative to similar manifestations. You know, what qualities of the man appreciate in women heads? Competence and efficiency. And they understand commitment, a practicality, organization, finishing as efficiency begun up to the end, unity of the word and business, accuracy, obligation and working capacity.

However, disproving stereotypes, it seems to me that female heads more often than men are more focused on a task to the detriment of the relations. According to psychologists, most of the business lady explain it to that "the task is more important than the relations, and the relations can always be corrected then".


In my opinion, if there is a purpose which needs to be reached, it is possible to use different motivations for employees: for someone important motive is encouragement, and someone is inclined to work only in the compulsory mode. For some absolutely necessary environment for effective activity is the stress situation.


Nevertheless this stereotypic representation that the woman in business is, first of all, the weak woman with the tricks, style of behavior, softness, tolerance and other. You know, it reminds me the known phrase: "Each desert is proud of the mirages". We have to seek to get rid of similar stereotypes, but not to show them to the world which stepped over this boundary for a long time.




Purposes and tasks

 The main objectives of my work I would call the analysis of the researches conducted on this subject, determination of features of female business, search and a formulation of problems, the offer of the versions of the solution of these problems.


The main purpose of my research – to try to prove that success in business, in management doesn't depend on a sex of a businessman or a manager; that the concepts male and "female" business aren't so excellent from each other.


In addition, I would refer attempt of the proof of to objectives of this research that lately the role of the woman in business raised, having practically made even with man's. The answer to a question will be given, what reasons prevent women to develop fully the abilities in the sphere of business how to resist to the developed stereotypes, what methods of overcoming the of problems exist in the Russian and foreign practice.


Object and object of research


Object of research is the social group of female businessmen.

Object of research is relationship of female businessmen in the sphere of business, their problems connected with government bodies, partners, competitors and subordinates; technique of expansion of business by female businessmen and other, not less important characteristics.


Logical analysis of the basic concepts

The basic concept of this research – the female businessman, or the business lady. It in this treatment is understood as the woman who is engaged in commercial activity both in the form of individual business without formation of legal entity and as a part of any legal entity at a responsible position; with the right of the order in cash and making decision on strategic policy of the enterprise run by it.


The top manager – the general concept characterizing business people in the sphere of marketing and the market in general applicable, as a rule, to category of large business.


Business – any continuous activity of commercial character.


Social stereotypes – the steady, developed public opinion concerning any question of public life forcing people to arrive according to them.


Discrimination – the illegal, systematic infringement, violation of the rights of social group in any sphere of public life based on individual signs of this group.



There is a concept that women — the weaker sex, and it is right concerning physical force. Concerning strength of mind — a question not indisputable. Strength of mind is especially important for the woman - the head, it has to operate, estimate, reward or punish. And how it is perceived by men? Many of them consider that work under the leadership of the woman humiliates them. They plainly don't know how to behave with the female chief. But women perfectly know how to behave with the male chief.


Proceeding from these statements, I would like to formulate the hypotheses which are subject to proof in this work. So, this work aims to prove justice of the following statements:


1) The woman in business – not an exception, but regularity of development of business in modern Russia;

2) The woman has opportunity to act as the subject of the enterprise relations on an equal basis with men;

3) For successful business the question of a sex isn't the basic;

4) The business lady has a number of the essential psychophysiological advantages before the male businessman allowing to build more effectively strategy and tactics of business in separate branches of commerce;

5) Today in society the social prejudices and discrimination aspects limiting possibilities of women in commerce in comparison with men remain.


  • The woman in business – not the exception, but regularity of development of business in modern Russia – is right, is confirmed by data of biographical researches and the general statistics; regularities of growth of share of participation of women in the sphere of business.

In particular, in the industry, agriculture, wholesale trade, activities for ensuring functioning of the market, the financial sphere the share of female businessmen makes from 13% (in the industry) to 20% (finance). And most actively retail trade, a public catering, science, culture, health care where the share of businesswomen makes from 39% (in retail trade) to 56% accustom women (to science). Such conclusions will be coordinated with data of other polls that confirms their validity.


In recent years the share of women in business increases fast rates. Gender stereotypes in modern Russia by consideration of possibility of occupation by women of the leading positions in business management are rather strong, however, conditions of the market led to their mitigation. It was expressed that the number of the women taking the leading positions in firms over the last 5 years steadily grows.


There were truly "women's" branches of business (retail trade, a services sector, etc.) in which the share of female heads considerably is ahead of men.

Results of researches confirm priority of services industries and trade in female business. According to research, 45% of women head the enterprises with a number occupied to 10 people and 55% - with a number occupied from 10 to 30 people. According to the author of poll, it is connected with that female business is generally developed in those branches which technology doesn't demand a large number of workers.


  • The woman has opportunity to act as the subject of the enterprise relations on an equal basis with men – incorrectly, men have advantages both at employment, and at some other relationship in the sphere of business – is confirmed by data of questioning and the analysis of results of supervision.

Six hundred interrogated women aged from 20 till 55 years (from them 3,2% businessmen) consider that women unlike men have much less opportunities for professional growth, promotion, occupation of a high position.

 For successful business the question of a sex isn't the basic – truly as to the forefront there are concrete characteristics of opportunities of the personality, whether it be the woman or the man – is confirmed by statistical data and the analysis of results of supervision.

Practice shows that women can successfully direct, and there are already very many women holding the leading posts.

One conclusion of psychologists seemed to me interesting: successful models of business are carried out by those from businessmen who irrespective of own floor have the psychological scenario of behavior - managers.

It means, as men and women have almost equal psychological opportunities for business management. Characteristics of a floor practically don't act as limiters for the successful management.

  • The business lady has a number of the essential psychophysiological advantages before the male businessman allowing to build more effectively strategy and tactics of business in separate branches of commerce – is true as in a number of branches of business of the woman naturally take the leading positions in comparison with men – is confirmed by statistical data, questioning and the analysis of results of supervision.


As many male employers notes, on separate senior positions and in many spheres of business "the female operating hand" has a number of big advantages – for example when negotiating and the male partners, at development of business in the sphere where demand is formed by women, etc.

  • Today in society the social prejudices and discrimination aspects limiting possibilities of women in commerce in comparison with men remain – is true, is confirmed by the analysis of results of supervision and the conducted biographical researches.


So, we will sum up the results. That fact that the woman in business everything strengthens today the positions more strongly, is proved. Women as social category were made even to men is is confirmed by the current legislation which doesn't do any distinctions between floors in the sphere of business and business activity. Moreover, in the highest act of the country – Constitutions – it is directly fixed that nobody can be exposed whatever that or discrimination on a sexual sign. Women in modern Russia direct considerable percent of all enterprise structures.

There is also a tendency to increase in number of women in business – every year the percentage ratio of the men coming to business and women favors the last. Proceeding from it it is possible to conclude that the role of the woman and in general increases every year in society.

The rights of a fine half of mankind which earlier had only declarative character turned into a real basis for realization of any opportunities both in the sphere of business, and in other branches of public relationship now.

However, during research also the second hypothesis – that the woman in business depends on the stereotypes and prejudices which are sharply negatively affecting at realization by the woman of the rights for occupation by business available in public consciousness was confirmed.

This tendency to overcome in the legislative way it is impossible as the law can't regulate the sphere of consciousness. Nevertheless, the fact of presence of women at business, their increasing role in business in itself have to change these negative public stereotypes shortly.

The same thesis is confirmed also by the third proved hypothesis – that the woman in business has a number of objective advantages before men and that separate branches of business as if are specially created for women. The services sector, the sphere of retail trade, in general any commercial enterprises demanding attention to each detail with small or average numerical structure of the personnel also concerns to that.

Researches showed that the share of women is higher in the sphere of small business, then – medium business. In the field of large, especially the international business, the man continue to take the leading positions - but in the field of management of this business are often simply compelled to have the female personnel as its existence under certain circumstances is treated by business activity tactics.

And the last hypothesis – that for conducting successful business the question of a sex isn't defining – accumulates previous and sums up the result of this research. Really, despite all obstacles which the modern business lady should face, despite public opinion, a question of success in commercial activity, first of all, depends not on a floor, and on quality of the available professional skills, experience, objective financial and strategic opportunities.

Really, if the woman has necessary knowledge, commitment, persistence and persistence, and also financial and strategic opportunities – that any man, no social prejudices will be able to prevent it to reach top of business elite and to occupy a worthy niche in the sphere of business.

Despite stereotypes, widespread in our society, it is necessary to agree that, the woman by the nature is wiser and adaptive, than the man. According to psychologists, the woman in business builds more careful relations with the partners in business, avoiding excessive risky decisions, "cool turns". She shows special keenness in questions of formation of corporate culture, bringing an element of warmth and "domesticity" in strict regulations of business life of the organization.

These factors, by the way, increase profitability of new technologies, increase labor productivity. The woman the head as the carrier of the emotional beginning, is capable to feel more sharply psychological climate in collective, to penetrate into an essence of the happening conflict, and, perhaps, and to prevent its approach.


And still, despite some features of man's and female psychology, quality of the effective top manager have the general nature and don't depend directly on a floor. According to psychologists, at men and women of top managers coinciding qualities are: ability to work in a situation of the conflict and threat of risk, constant readiness for changes and innovations, ability effectively to use skills and abilities of other people, ability to resist to pressure and pressing. In other words, those from managers who, irrespective of own floor, have the optimum internal psychological scenario of the manager will be successful. Because, as they say, head it not a position, but internal state of the person.





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