The Concept Of development of foreign language education

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Сентября 2013 в 23:07, реферат

Краткое описание

Intensely developing integration processes in the last decade, the growth of professional and academic exchanges, deepening international cooperation stimulated the progress of foreign language education. In these circumstances, foreign language becomes a powerful tool of intellectual potential of a society that is becoming in modern history, one of the main resources of the development of the new State.


Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
The purpose and objectives of the concept ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
The State of foreign language education in Kazakhstan today
этапе ………………………………………………………………………………
The basic directions of development of foreign language education....................
Management of the system of continuous education of foreign language ................
The main directions of improving training
the teaching staff at INJILI............................................................
Stages of realization concept............................................................
Expected results implementation of the concept.....................................

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In the second phase (at the end of the 2-nd and 3 k. k.) training is a professional-oriented communication within a given profession using the OIA for special purposes (LSP).

Students master the professional communication skills without purposeful formation of concepts – the terminology profession, enhance knowledge on the material of authentic texts, learning strategies, teaching skills to interpret, discuss, argue, accomplish a range of common standard and professionally-oriented tasks.

The attainment of these objectives, in turn, is impossible without the use of various technologies in educational process, reality-based, interactivity, situativnosti: modeling professionally-contextual situations, most related to future professional practice learners, problem-based methods and project work.

Thus, the impact of education in various universities of non-language content and structure can be represented as a formula: level B2 + LSP, which corresponds to the international standarnomu a hold of OIA.

Reorientation in designated universities for the teaching of a language for special purposes (LSP) requires them to certain conditions:

  • translate IYA as subject of general socio-humanitarian in obŝeprofessional′nyj block of disciplines
  • rational determination of temporal boundaries of study (1-4 k. k.)
  • appropriate regulatory, educational and information support of educational process.


3.2.3. Postgraduate education: impact of Ma


Masters training component in foreign language University includes the use of the first OIA as main language of instruction and scholarly communication. Practical course second of OIA in the Magistracy should take place in the framework of levels C1 and C2.

Foreign language education for masters training in neâzykovom College meets the requirements of the European standard level C1.

Educational programs of foreign language level of preparation varies depending on the direction of the master training: in-depth profiles and research.

Objective of foreign language training in Magistracy of profile directions (in business administration, management, law, biology, chemistry, history, etc.) is to master the advanced level language for special purposes (LSP) for its further use in professionally-oriented orally and in written communication in a particular specialty in engineering-technological, social, humanitarian, scientific and technical or economic and business spheres.

Objectives of foreign language training at Masters level research areas is to continue the development of professionally oriented of OIA (LSP) and mastery of advanced level of foreign language for academic purposes (LAP), that allows to operate freely scientific conceptual apparatus specialty, expand scientific knowledge base, develop skills of interpreting scientific information, argumentation, persuasion, scientific controversies, academic writing. This will ensure the free exchange of ideas on international level in discussions, conferences and forums, as well as conducting classes with students in a foreign language on the profile of the profession.

Entrance examinations to Magistracy at INJILI are conducted through special tests (similar to foreign analogues of TOEFL, IELTS, ZMP/ZOP, DALF).


  1. Management of the system of continuous

foreign language education


The system of continuous and sustained foreign language education provides a single quality management of foreign language education (table 2). Components of the management system are:

  • social order;
  • Scientific and methodological basis of education;
  • regulatory and Management documentation;
  • educational-methodological support;
  • the educational program or communicative-oriented complex in which the availability target, informative, technological and resource components;
  • stage of implementation of the system is controlled through the development of educational programs, their accompanying textbooks and teaching methods of the new generation, through innovative technology and resource base;
  • the final link, providing self-regulation system is the korregiruûŝij mechanism.


  1. The main directions of improving training

the teaching staff at OIA


The concept of the development of foreign language education as part of the contemporary educational policy, defines education as a major national priority, suggests a comprehensive and profound modernization of foreign language education at all levels.

Impact of education in conjunction with other components of the educational content, is intended to lay the Foundation for the intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation, contribute to solving social and economic problems, the development of science, culture, preservation of national traditions, annexed to the global values, entering of Kazakhstan into the world educational space.

In addressing these challenges, which is the role of the teacher, teacher, teacher. Increase the professionalism of teachers, the forming of pedagogical case in foreign languages is seen as essential to modernizing the system of foreign language education. Prepared in the foreign language teacher education specialists are called to be bearers of ideas underlying the Concept, in light of the safeguarding and promotion of the best traditions of the domestic system of teaching foreign languages.

Based on the present condition and problems of training in the field of teaching foreign languages and in accordance with the requirements Of continuous and sustained foreign language education in Kazakhstan, the basic directions of improving teacher training in this industry are:

  1. The continuity and succession of education teacher works-oriented career, achieved through a common focus, coherence and continuity of educational standards, curricula and programs at various levels and stages of education teacher.
  2. Training of teachers to training and education of foreign language tools:
  • junior high school students;
  • primary pupils and profile of the educational level;
  • pupils in special schools (with in-depth study of foreign languages and the teaching of some subjects in a foreign language);
  • secondary vocational educational institutions and institutions providing post-secondary education.
  1. Targeted training of teachers to teach foreign languages in the system of higher and postgraduate education.
  1. Mastering modern techniques and technologies, including information and computer, foreign language learning.
  2. New international standard methods and techniques of evaluation of the level of foreign language teaching.
  3. Establishment of a mechanism for domain updates, psycho-pedagogical and general cultural training; providing modern forms of pedagogical practice.
  4. Ensuring the efficiency and quality of retraining and improvement of professional skill of employees teachers, faculty members in conditions of modernization of foreign language education.
  5. Enhancing scientific research in pedagogical universities.
  6. Establishment of a system of long-term forecast of changes in the needs of teachers of foreign languages, taking into account the personnel reserve and prospects of development of society.
  7. Catching the base material and resource information for teacher training institutions to the level of modern international requirements.
  8. Overcome by targeted measures of low social and economic status of the teaching profession, the role and importance of the teacher in modern society.


  1. The stages of the implementation of the

Assumes the phased implementation of the concept.

The first phase is the development of State standards, curricula and their methodological support in line with international practices of designing policy instruments. Development of textbooks and teaching-methodical complexes of continuous system of foreign language education. Establishment of a system of external current and final evaluation of the levels of foreign language teaching. Experimental-pilot testing of multi-leveled model of foreign language education (2004-2007).

The second phase – the Organization of training and retraining of teachers of foreign languages in accordance with the concept (2004-2005).

The third stage is the full implementation of the concept of development of foreign language education and its adjustment in the light of experience, the development of the labour market and the changing socio-economic conditions in the country and the world. Implementation of a full transition to the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of foreign languages on bakalavrskim, master 's, doctoral programs and credit technology at all levels of post-secondary education (2007-2010).


7. the expected results of the implementation of the


The concept of the development of foreign language education must provide:

  • a system of continuous and sustained foreign language education;
  • achieving the level of foreign language teaching, relevant international standards;
  • convertibility of diplomas in the field of foreign languages;
  • possibility of obtaining international certificates in foreign languages;
  • the critical processing of regulatory control and methodical documentation;
  • textbooks and teaching methods that meet the requirements of the new social order;
  • preparing a new generation of competent, educated, competitive language teachers can creatively implement national vision of development of foreign language education;
  • integration of Kazakhstan into the world educational space.

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