The argument essay whether Kazakhstan should apply Capital Punishment in consuming and possessing Heavy Drugs such as Heroin

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Августа 2013 в 07:34, курсовая работа

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Capital punishment in Kazakhstan will benefit society and government: the crime rates, gang activities, mafias, cartels, and corruption will reduce and the war against drugs will finally cease; In addition, due to authorities’ weak enforcement of law, and corruption in every political lever, there are 500,000 drug addicts in Kazakhstan, which comprises 3.5% of the total population. Therefore the Capital Penalty of Drugs will improve the quality of life.

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RUNNING HEAD: The argument essay whether Kazakhstan should apply Capital Punishment in consuming and possessing Heavy Drugs such as Heroin.




The argument essay whether Kazakhstan should apply Capital Punishment in consuming and possessing Heavy Drugs such as Heroin.














Center of International Programs of International Cultural Exchange School, Donghua University, Shanghai, China.




Capital punishment in Kazakhstan will benefit society and government: the crime rates, gang activities, mafias, cartels, and corruption will reduce and the war against drugs will finally cease; In addition, due to authorities’ weak enforcement of law, and corruption in every political lever, there are 500,000 drug addicts in Kazakhstan, which comprises 3.5% of the total population. Therefore the Capital Penalty of Drugs will improve the quality of life.

This paper talks about the situation regarding drugs consumption and possession and penalties In Kazakhstan after the USSR period.












Drug is the one of the most serious problems in the whole world. According to the CIA World Factbook (2013) the world’s population is 7, 095, 217, 980 people. (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013) Of which as many as 3 percent are heavy drug addicts, in the numerical factor, this figure is equivalent to 210,000,000 people. (Medical Centre “GROST”, Analytical summary of the drug addiction, 2012) Referring to the sources in Kazakhstan this number reaches around 500,000 people. (Ministry of Health, Deputy General Prosecutor, 2001) I strongly agree that one of the main causes of spreading all kinds of drugs in my country is the reason of URRS collapse. When Kazakhstan was the part of Soviet Union, the times were tough enough for all the countries which were the part of it. During those times, the whole country was like behind the “iron curtain”. Government authorized prohibit any flow of information associated with non-member countries of the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan was part of the USSR till the end of its existence and the influence on the government was tremendous and only in 1991, Kazakhstan has become independent. Since the collapse of the USSR, the country lost its external borders all around. A lot of information has flowed out of the state, but more things penetrated into the Soviet Union itself. Amnesty began, and many criminals to just release from prison to freedom. Chaos erupted: it was the beginning of the time of poverty, hunger and cruel crime. Moreover, as a consequence of this frenzied time one of the solutions to earn big and easy money was selling and spreading hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, etc. This problem does not leave me to be indifferent. In this essay I would like to illuminate the essence of the origin and development of the problem within my country from the point of view of government regulation and control and if it necessary to tough punishments for using, selling and possessing drugs.


The first argument to justify why Kazakhstan government should not apply capital punishment is the effect of natural selection. According to the Darwin’s scientific book “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” (1859) it is written: «Natural selection - the process by which a population increases the number of individuals that possess the maximum adaptability (the most auspicious signs), while the number of individuals with adverse symptoms decreased». (Charles Darwin, «On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection», 1859) For example: in the animal world the strongest one feeds on the weakest - this it is natural selection. As the result every day the best and the strongest ones are survives. From this it follows that if a person injects heroin, he only destroys his organism, psychological and nervous system, and thus he becomes weak and is unable to continue a full, healthy and natural life. Therefore why put a "sick" person to prison for life, or to impose the death penalty, if in my beliefs humankind should not be involved into any natural process, because after Darwin's theory occurs the person sooner or later will be “punished” naturally.


My second argue is that at the present time and in the nearest future Kazakh Republic will not able to adopt this punishment because these actions highlights the aspirations of Kazakhstan's integration into the international community of democratic and secular countries. Therefore, even for such a heavy issue as the use and distribution of hard drugs, nowadays Kazakhstan, cannot sacrifice the principles of liberalism and democratic views in respect of toughening or introducing more stringent measures of restraint or punishment, such as life sentence or the death penalty. Otherwise, it will set a precedent of controversy in the world political community that at least reduce the rate of integration of Kazakhstan, and at best can lead to negative economic consequences, such as referring to the fall of the investment attractiveness of the country.

On the other hand, why Kazakh government will not set cruel punishments, such as life sentence and death penalty for use and spread of heavy drugs, it will show in the next two paragraphs. Examining the functions and consequences of one of the heaviest drug in the world such as Heroin, scientists and doctors in “The Narconon” drug prevention and rehabilitation centre, determine that this drug awakes the emergence of addiction. And according to the Merriam Dictionary: “Addiction - compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly”. (Merriam Webster Dictionary) Also here are shown another the real effects of heroin which made by the Community Epidemiology Work Group (NIDA, June 1996): infectious diseases such as HIV / AIDS and hepatitis B and C, vein impassability, bacterial infection, and tendency to abscesses, arthritis and other rheumatologic problems. (The Community Epidemiology Work Group, NIDA, June 1996) For instance, according to the statistics, which was made for “The Third Conference on HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” (Moscow, Russia, 28-30 October, 2009) it shows that that there are 2,335 cases of HIV infection, rates per 100,000 populations and injecting drug users accounted for 60.4 percent. (“The Third Conference on HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, Moscow, Russia, 28-30 October 2009) And this is clear example that dangerous injection practices, especially needle sharing, cause of the rapid spread of HIV among drug users. As the result of this, being a drug abuser is not mean only harm his own health, also, it will harm the health of his future children and further generation. As I wrote above for junkies and people attending certain diseases, even if he continues to genus, the subsequent generation will never be healthy. There will be any deflection, both physical and psychological. So, if punish people who affect the development of humanity, it is possible to avoid another problem such as degradation of generations.


Another reason to apply capital punishment is that being a drug addict is not only ruining drug abuser’s life but also the lives of the people who is surrounding that person. Since an addict cannot work and earn money, because he has the only goals are to find the money, buy the drug and take it, he cannot provide prosperous and stable life. Accordingly, it means that narcomaniac do not earn money, he spends all that he has, but when money ran out, the addict is beginning to sell everything that is left: personal savings, jewellery, furniture, cars, and apartments, until he loses everything and end up with nothing. Meanwhile this happens with the person who is alone, it will absolutely affect in another way, when this addict has a family and friends. Drug addicted person endangers everybody who is nearby. Without paying for a dose, dealers can very easily to take hostage, hurt or even kill those close people. It's very dangerous to be surrounded by any drug society, even if indirectly. So to escape the danger, drug addicts and drug dealers should be taken to the prison and punish immediately.


In conclusion I would like to say that in this essay, I gave an argument that shows whether Kazakh government need to have tough penalties for drug use and distribution of drugs. I'm totally against drugs and I think that that drug user or should not be punished, or taken to the special clinic and make everything for him to quit that. However, drug dealer and any person who is spreading drugs should be punished right away to avoid further tragic consequences.


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