The advantages and the disadvantages of a multicultural society

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Февраля 2014 в 20:23, лекция

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Living in a multicultural society with people with different traditions and perspectives, makes people communicate with each other. When people communicate, they share ideas and perspectives, so everyone learns a new way to see the world or even a small thing or situation. So there is a development in an intellectual way. Being in a multicultural society also leads to a more open-minded population; people start to see situations from another point of view.

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The advantages and the disadvantages of a multicultural society

Living in a multicultural society with people with different traditions and perspectives, makes people communicate with each other. When people communicate, they share ideas and perspectives, so everyone learns a new way to see the world or even a small thing or situation. So there is a development in an intellectual way. Being in a multicultural society also leads to a more open-minded population; people start to see situations from another point of view.

When people are together and cooperate to the development of communication, it is promoted the respect and the tolerance between different cultures. People start to feel comfortable living and interacting with people from different countries or with different perspectives. A multicultural society also makes people being less racist and leads to a non-discrimination society, having a more peaceful environment.

As we can see, all of these are advantages of a multicultural society; however there still have disadvantages with living in a multicultural society because sometimes people can think that this can leads to the destruction of the definition of each culture, and people think that they start to lose identity.

So, a multicultural society has advantages and disadvantages, however there are a lot more advantages. We can say that living in a multicultural society is the best to the development of the communication between cultures and it promotes a peaceful environment.


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