Proverbs, sayings of english language. Their value, the use and russian equivalents

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Мая 2015 в 05:21, доклад

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This work attempts to answer the following questions:
1. What functions do proverbs play in society (English and Russian)?
2. How do people in England use their proverbs, and why?
3. How are proverbs used in Russian society?
4. What is people's attitude towards proverbs in English and Russian societies?
5. What are the similarities and differences between English and Russian proverbs?
6. What suggestions can be drawn from this study?


1. Introduction.
2. Proverbs that are used in similar situations to convey the same messages in English and Russian.
3. Conclusion.
4. Bibliography.

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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Kirghiz republic

The Osh technological university of a name of the academician of M. M. Adyshev

Economy and Management Faculty

Chair of applied computer science in economy













The plan.

  1. Introduction.


  1. Proverbs that are used in similar situations to convey the same messages in English and Russian.


  1. Conclusion.


  1. Bibliography.
































Family relationships were the most important traditional values among Russian and English for many centuries. It doesn’t mean that nowadays idea of family is not so important, but it traditional meaning has changed. That’s way in this work I write about traditional English and Russian families, about traditional relationships between family members. Allthough many usual families in Russia and England were similar, but every of them had their own traditional particularety. For English „my family” traditionally ment a husband, a wife and children. For Russian people this meaning was wider (there were also grandmothers and grandfathers, sisters and brothers). Sometimes also cats and dogs were called as a family mambers. It was so because of history then living conditions were not so good, many families were in need. It all encouraged the way of living in Russian families – many generations lived in one house together.  
Proverbs are records of the development of civilization throughout its history. I strongly believe that to know people's culture and values, one should study their proverbs. As Ralph Linton says, “The culture of a society is the way of life of its members; the collection of ideas and habits that they learn, share and transmit from generation to generation.” (Charters-Black 1995: 24) People express their beliefs, customs, habits, knowledge, morals and any other capabilities in their proverbs. 
In this work I examine the meaning, use, and purpose of English proverbs in their natural context and compare them with Russian proverbs as a means of expressing cultural and social values. It is intended to show how proverbs that differ in their culture and their wording can be used in the same situations to express similar or opposite ideas. Greg Wilston describes proverbs as: “… germs of wisdom. They are un-masked and un-adulterated images of society. In them one finds people’s ideas about life, the ideals and values they hold dear, and the elements they consider supreme in the spiritual as well as material life.” (Wilston 1990: 117) 
This work attempts to answer the following questions: 
1. What functions do proverbs play in society (English and Russian)? 
2. How do people in England use their proverbs, and why? 
3. How are proverbs used in Russian society? 
4. What is people's attitude towards proverbs in English and Russian societies? 
5. What are the similarities and differences between English and Russian proverbs? 
6. What suggestions can be drawn from this study? 
Beginning of this work focuses on a wide definition of proverb, its history and also there is a description of traditional sources of proverbs. Mainly information is used from different dictionaries. 
In the second part of this work I will present English proverbs in as much depth as possible to reflect English traditional family, traditional attitude to a house and traditional relationships between English family members and to provide a framework for understanding the proverbs. As proverb users rely heavily on metaphors and similes from their surroundings, it is important for them to have knowledge and understanding of the realities of life, customs, social values and traditions of the society there they live. As I myself come from the area of the study (Latvia, Daugavpils – Russian spoken town), I share the experiences and understand in depth the culture of this society, knowing well how and when people in Russia use their proverbs and what the proverbs mean to them. I think that comparing English proverbs with proverbs from another culture with different values would give a better chance to bring a valuable treasure of English nation to light and help it to be more broadly understood.  
Therefore the third part of this study compares the concepts, meanings, and uses of English proverbs with Russian proverbs as expressions of two cultures. This part is based on extensive fieldwork in Latvia. To analyse my data in this section, I relied on the comments of Russian informants concerning the meaning and usage of Russian proverbs. It was impossible to collect English proverbs in the UK in their natural context as I haven’t any possibility to stay in England. So I used different English books of sayings and proverbs, also many different dictionaries. In opposite, I used questionnaires to investigate the meaning and the use of Russian proverbs; I interviewed some individuals, both academic and nonacademic. I collected a lot of data from my questionnaires from educated and uneducated informants, classified it and arranged it by subject matter. 
In this part of work, I have pointed out the similarities and differences between English proverbs and Russian proverbs in their meaning and usage. The aim is to view the similarities and differences between these two cultures through their proverbs and to find out how people in different cultures might share or differ in their feelings in similar given circumstances or situations. In this work I try to research proverbs in their natural context, it means in daily conversations. What’s way little attention has been paid to their formal study, to their use in literature, in mass media - on TV, Radio, in newspapers. It can be a topic for the next research. What I use as a corpus in this study are 28 English proverbs connected with theme of home, family, relatives that I think are frequently used in English society.  
In the last Chapter, I will review the result of this study, draw conclusions from them. The chapters are followed by an appendix containing lists of proverbs, questionnaire and a bibliography.

Proverbs that are used in similar situations to convey the same messages in English and Russian.


1. You cannot eat your cake and have it.

Нельзя одновременно съесть лепешку и иметь

  ее (дословный перевод).


Один пирог два раза не съешь (русская  пословица).

Пословица в ситуации:  Make a choice. You mustn’t have two things.

You must have one or the other, not both. Do you know the English proverb:

”You cannot eat your cake and have it."

2. Custom is a second nature.

Привычка – вторая натура. В данном случае

дословный перевод совпадает с русской пословицей.

Пословица в ситуации: A young woman wants her mother to move to town and

 live with her and her family. “If you live in town a bit longer, I’m sure you’ll like

 it.” “No, I’m afraid I shan’t get accustomed to town life.  I like the woods and the

 river. Custom is a second nature, they say.”

3. A man can die but once.

Человек может умереть лишь один раз.


Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать.

Пословица в ситуации: A father and his son were standing on the bank of a

stream. The son jumped over it, but the father was afraid to. At last, murmuring,

“A man can die but once,” the father jumped – and fell into the muddy water.

But the young man quickly pulled him up onto the bank.

4. A cat in gloves catches no mice.

Кот в перчатках мышей не поймает.


Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда.

Пословица в ситуации: Mary wants her mother to make a nice cake, but she

 doesn’t want to go to the shop to buy eggs and butter. “A cat in gloves catches

 no mice. There’ll be no cake for you then,” says Mary’s mother.


5. Murder will out.

Убийство раскроется (дословный перевод).


Шила в мешке не утаишь (русская  пословица).                                          

Пословица в ситуации:  “You know, Dad, when I was ten I didn’t like geography

and often got bad marks at geography lessons. So I tried to hide my day-book with

bad marks in it.” “Why, Fred, do you think I didn’t guess what you had done?

Murder will out, after all.”

6. If the cap fits, wear it.

Если шапка подходит, носи ее.

На воре шапка горит.

Пословица в ситуации: “Don’t you speak to me in that manner!” said Mary.

“Do you think I took your book and lost it?” “Well, if the cap fits, wear it,”

 answered Kate.

7. Deeds, not words.

Нужны дела, а не слова.


О человеке судят по его делам.

Пословица в ситуации: “Mother! What does the proverb ‘Deeds, not words’

mean?” “It means that a person is known and judged more by his actions than

 by what he says.”

8. Every dog has his day.

У каждой собаки свой праздник бывает.


Будет и на нашей улице праздник.

Пословица в ситуации: “I’m lucky today, your turn will come later on

. Tomorrow our positions may be reserved.” “Yes, every dog has his day

and good fortune comes once to all of us.”


9. A drowning man will catch a straw.

Утопающий за соломинку схватится

(дословный перевод).


Утопающий хватается за соломинку

(русская  пословица).

Пословица в ситуации:  “The young man will lose his sight, I am afraid,

but still he and his parents hope when he gets stronger we shall be able to restore it”, said

the doctor. “A drowning man will catch at a straw,” his friend remarked.

10. There is no smoke without fire.

Нет дыма без огня.  

Дословный перевод совпадает с русской пословицей.

Пословица в ситуации: “Who told you this? Mary? I can’t believe that Paul

 could let his friends down,” said Betty. “Believe it or not as you like, but there

 is no smoke without fire,” answered Mike.




Пословицы, по утверждению В. Даля, «свод народной премудрости и суемудрия – это стоны и вздохи, плач и рыдания, радость и веселье, горе и утешение в лицах; это цвет народного ума, самобытной стати; это житейская народная правда, своего рода судебник, никем не судимый». Речь, изобилующая народными поговорками, носит печать особой выразительности. Характер народа и особенности его языка взаимовлияют друг на друга, вытекая из менталитета.



















  1. Практикум по фразеологии современного английского языка. Пособие для студентов пединститутов (на английском языке).
  1. Экспрессивность текста и перевод, М.А. Козырев.





Информация о работе Proverbs, sayings of english language. Their value, the use and russian equivalents