Old English Literature

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Января 2014 в 15:57, реферат

Краткое описание

What can be known about a unique poem in a unique manuscript, dated around the year 1000 a.d.? What do we know about the circumstances of its composition? Is it literary, oral, or something in-between? What can we never know? This unique poem is “The Poem about Beowulf”.
Beowulf (/beɪ.ɵwʊlf/; in Old English [beo̯wʊlf] or [beəwʊlf], literally "bee wolf" i.e. "bee hunter", a kenning for "bear") is the conventional title of an Old English heroic epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative long lines, set in Scandinavia, commonly cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature.


“The poem about Beowulf” 3-6p.
“The Silver Bible” 6-7p.
“The poetic Edda” 7-8p.
Used Literature 9p.

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