My future profession

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Июня 2013 в 00:42, практическая работа

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There are many interesting and useful professions and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one. Of course, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. It’s especially difficult if you like doing different things, if you have different hobbies and interests.
Almost half of a person’s life passes at work. So it’s extremely important to make the right choice of a profession. Psychologists believe that the choice of a future profession must be in accordance with the individual’s talents and abilities. In order to make the right choice you have to analyze your interests and abilities and try to understand what you’d like to achieve in your life.

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My future profession.

There are many interesting and useful professions and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one. Of course, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. It’s especially difficult if you like doing different things, if you have different hobbies and interests.

Almost half of a person’s life passes at work. So it’s extremely important to make the right choice of a profession. Psychologists believe that the choice of a future profession must be in accordance with the individual’s talents and abilities. In order to make the right choice you have to analyze your interests and abilities and try to understand what you’d like to achieve in your life.

My favorite subject at school was mathematics. My teachers were well-educated people with broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my desire to become an economist. I did not make a hasty choice. I opted for a career in business economics.

Economics is the science of making choices, which is based upon the facts of our everyday life. Economists study our everyday life and the system, which affects it. They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live and to explain how the system works. The science of economics is concerned with all our material needs and wants.

To become a good specialist in economic matters and business one must know many sciences, such as business economics, finance and credits, statistics, history of economic theory and philosophy, mathematics, as well as economic management, trade business and, of course, marketing, which is a modern philosophy of business.

It is very important for a specialist in business matters to be a skilful user of computers and to speak at least one foreign language. It should better be English as it is the most popular language of international business communication. You'll be able to follow business developments in the world by listening to radio and TV news, by reading newspapers or magazines, or by getting in contact with your business partners abroad.

I also hope that I'll never regret my choice and get a well-paid and interesting job afterwards. Nowadays the profession of an economist has become one the most useful, modern and interesting. That is because our country is moving towards market economy and different forms of property are being established. There is a place for an economist at every plant and factory. An economist exercises different functions. He or she can determine the structure of an enterprise and calculate costs as well as probable profits. An economist analyses the condition of the market and prospects for its development in the future. His or her practical use of electronic computers is a requirement. The activities of an economist at an enterprise range from bookkeeper control the financial state of an enterprise and perform a lot of useful calculations. Having a good command of the economic situation in the region and knowing the demands of the market a person with an economist's diploma may establish his own business, or he may become a partner of a joint venture. But to become a good economist one must work hard and get not only theoretical knowledge but also great practical skills.

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