Minsk State Linguistic University

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2013 в 22:14, реферат

Краткое описание

Minsk State Linguistic University was founded in 1948 and since then it has been the leading institution for foreign language education in the Republic of Belarus. More than 30,000 teachers and 5,000 translators and interpreters have graduated from MSLU since the institution was founded 54 years ago.
MSLU currently trains specialists in 14 different languages. Students graduate with the following qualifications: linguist, teacher of two foreign languages; interpreter/translator, specialist in crosscultural communication. The graduates work in schools, universities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other government offices including foreign embassies, as well as in many private companies and businesses. Not only do students study on-campus, MSLU also has developed a number of distant training programs. MSLU's commitment to new technologies and technological advances has facilitated this process.

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Minsk State Linguistic University was founded in 1948 and since then it has been the leading institution for foreign language education in the Republic of Belarus.docx

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