Linguistic pecularities of english-american fable

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Января 2014 в 13:35, дипломная работа

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Fables have been used in a variety of social contexts, such as pedagogical, therapeutic or religious, usually for the purpose of teaching or reaffirming a moral value. The close study of the internal structure of such type of texts is therefore a valuable aid to teachers, psychologists and related professionals in their current practices.


Part I. Theoretical background of fable as a genre ………………………………….6
1.1. Genre of fable in literature and its history…………………………………………..6
1.2. Form and content of fables.......................................................................................11
1.3. The main characteristics of fables ………………………………………………...15
1.4. History of English and American fable……………………………………………18

Part II. Means of actualizing irony in English-American fable of 18th and 19th centuries ……………………………………………………………………………
Satirical irony of English-American fables of 18 century……………….……24
Humorous irony of English – American fables of 19 century ……………….36
Comparative table of English – American fables of 18-19 century ………….45

Summary ……………………………………………………………………………….52
References ………………………………………………………………….……….. 53

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     Phraseological units were used for creating disguised images, what is so typical for fables.

    Hyperbole is used with the aim to strengthen the expressiveness of the language. In the fables  heroes endowed with fantastic power, extraordinary beauty . These features help to create humorous shade in the fables.











Comparative table of English – American  fables of 18-19 cent.



Name of the fable




The hare an many friends

by J. Gay

The child, whom many fathers share, hath seldom known a father's care

Hare was so naive thinking that every animal is his real friend. The same situation with calf. He refused to help besause he was afraid that “friends of mine may take offence”.He did not understand that those friends are not good friends if they take offence because he had helped hare in danger. Irony is used here.

The Catand the mice

by J. Gay

They that are wise will never trust those a second time who have deceived them once.

Comic element here is expressed with the help of mice’s words:"Ha! ha! my good friend, are you there? There you may be! I would not trust myself with you, though your skin were stuffed with straw." Cat thought that mice are so stupid that would believe he has died, but theu just had fun of him.

Sick Man and Angelby J. Gay 

Whilst there is life, there's hope!

It is human’s nature to want more and more. Before death, sick man was trying to show that he deserves to live more.But he can deceive himself, his friends, not angel. To bargain with saints is bad deal. 

The Cock and the Fox

by J. Gay

When rogues are met in their own strain, they are generally worsted. It is interesting to see the snares of the wicked defeated by the discreet management of the innocent. "Answer a fool according to his folly," is an old maxim.

Cunning fox wanted to lure the cock in order to eat him. She used different types of lie. But at the end of the fable, clever cock deceived the fox using her tricks. Actually, she was deceived  by her own trap.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

by J. Gay

It is wise to worry about tomorrow today.Harvest while you can with little rest or relaxation or you will be forced to rely on the kindness of others, who may or may not be able to help you survive.

Humor here is expressed in ironical satire. Stupid and lazy grasshopper is doing nothing, does not think about future. Furthermore, he is laughing at others, who is cleverer than he is. He does not understand the absurdity of his situation. At the end readers are laughing at him. But it is not sincerely laughing, it is ironical one.

The Seal Who Became

by J. Gay

Everybody should be happy with the abilities he has

The seal was so conceited and arrogant that when an article reported about a famous seal in the United States, he thought it was written about him. He wanted to show his friends what he could do and to show them that he was better than they. He also bragged about his new things from the city. The story shows that arrogance often results in something bad.

XIX Cent.

The Spider and The Fly

by M. Howitt

People need to be careful who they trust and careful who they talk to.  They can fall into some schemer's trap.

Serious situation is described in interesting and fairyway. It is funny to imagen how the spider is trying to trap the fly. Ironical humor here is in the fact that sometimes people know they are doing wrong thing, but they rely on better. And fail.

The Little Girl and the Wolf by Ade George

It is not so easy to fool little girls nowadays as it used to be.

Wolf was so naïve he thought the girl would not recognize her grandmother. It is funny how the animal put on woman’s clothes and waited for the girl.Modern humor here is in fact , that the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead.

The Fairly Intelligent Flyby  James Thurber

Some of us want to be with the crowd so badly that we end up in a mess.

The fly was clever enough not to be cought in spider’s trap, but was not clever enough to listen to the bee’s warning and became stuck to the flypaper with all the other flies.

The Lion Who Wanted to Zoomby M. Howitt

Never allow a nervous female to have access to a pistol, no matter

what you’re wearing

Eagle was so glad that he won lion that stopped to think about consequences. Flying back to the rocky nest where he lived with his mate, hedecided to have some fun with her. So, covered with the lion’s mane,he poked his head into the nest and in a deep, awful voice he cried,“Harrrroooo!” His mate, who was very nervous anyway, grabbed apistol from a bureau drawer and shot him dead, thinking he was alion.

The Very Proper Gander by  M. Howitt

Anybody who you or your wife thinks is going to

overthrow the government by violence must be driven out of the


The fable is about a simple misunderstanding which leads to someone´s expulsion from his home. It is about animals that live on a farm and especially about a gander who is described as a strong, smooth and beautiful animal that spent most of his time singing to his wife and children. The action begins with a misunderstanding about a statement in which somebody described the gander as "a very proper gander". An old hen that overheard this, misunderstood it and heard "propaganda". She gossiped and after a short time every animal on the farm suddenly "remembered" to recall something suspicious about the gander.

The Moth and the Star

by  James Thurber

Do not pretend, just be youself .

The father wants his son to hang around lamps and get burned is the burn marks stand for honor and when the other moths see him his father gets embarrassed. It is absurdity not to listen to your child’s wish in order not to be embarrassed.























In the present research we were to analyze linguistic peculiarities of English – American fables. A fable is a literary genre; it is a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects or forces of nature which are given human qualities, and that illustrates a moral lesson. It has been developing for the centures and keeps developing till now.

Aesop is considered the founder of the fable; his fables had been repeatedly remodeled. A fable should carry its moral without the telling; nevertheless the application is often worth supplying, because it puts, or should put, the lesson taught by the fable in a terse and impressive form. Above and beyond all, a fable should possess the quality of simplicity, and whilst easy to be understood, it should have force and appropriateness.

What concerns linguistic peculiarities of English-American fable, we have sticked to Glavats'ka's classification, who differentiates humorous and satirical irony.

Having analyzed considerable amount of data the following conclusions can be drawn:

     The fabulists of  English – American fables of the 18th century had been referring to the myths and Aesop’s fables. While reading these fables we come across a great amount of God’s names (Doris; Cupid; Venus etc.). It is connected with the fact, that fable was not widespread genre. It had been developing on the basis of Aesop’s fables.

   The Fables of the 19th century are based on modern life, on vital issues of present time. A lot of repetitions are used in these fables. It expresses emphasis on important facts of the tales.

     In fables of the 18th century the fabulists mostly highlighted morale by themselves. It was focused on moral values of human life: friendship, belief, deceit, and courage. In the fable of the 19th century, the morale should be guessed by readers. Fabulists refer to human’s images more then to animals.  In contradiction, just animals are the main characters of the fables of the 18th century.

      According to the results of the quantitative analysis, the most frequently used devices that represent humorous irony of the fables of 18- 19 century is : metaphore -11, 2 %, then follows hyperbole -11% and simile -9,6 % , while  phraseological units and allusion make up only  4,6% and 3,3 %.








       Satirical irony of the fables of 18-19 century is represented by : repetition -9,8 %,paronymy - 9,3%, inversion- 5,8%, separated sentences- 5,6 %, nominative sentences- 9,9 %, anithese-5,9%; rhetorical questions-8,6 %; parcellation – 4, 9%.





     These datas show that in fables of 18 century in humorous irony metaphors predominate.The same situation with humorous irony of 19 century. It is explaned by the fact that it was dangerous to speak in derect way, but important in order to show the truth. As the result, using metaphors was the perfect way out. Because of its realization in the fables, generalized symbolism had been created in the content of the work.

      Concerning satirical irony of 18 century, repetition is the predominate device. It shows that fabulists wanted to emphasise on some certain fact.

      In 19 century many rhetorical questions had been used. Society had been developing, many questions had been raised, but nobody could answer. Fable was good way to express their questions in disguised way.


















Проблема дослідження  лінгвістичних особливостей англо-мовної байки  не є достатньо дослідженою, що підкреслює актуальність та практичну значимість даної дипломної роботи.

За мету було поставлено висвітлити лінгвістичні особливості англо-мовної байки. У процесі написання роботи було вивчено та проаналізовано роботи лінгвістів, які займались питанням байки.

Дипломна робота складається  з двох частин: теоретичної та практичної.

У першій частині розглядається  теорія байки: що таке байка, історія  її розвитку, її композиція, хто займався  її дослідженням. Розкривається історія розвитку англо-мовної байки: як вона розвивалася в англомовних країнах, хто писав, які зміни відбувалися в процесі її розвитку.

У другій  частині , проведено  кількісний аналіз  англо-мовної байки на лексичному та синтаксичному рівнях за класифікацією Ю. Главацької, яка розрізняє гумористичну та сатиричну іронію. Матераілом слугували байки авторів 18 і 19 століть (6-18 ст.; 6-19ст). 

Підраховано та проаналізовано частоту вживання  засобів , які характеризують гумористичну та сатиричну іронію.На основі цих досліджень можна прослідкувати різницю між байками 18 і 19 століття.

Дана робота – це вагомий внесок у вивчення  жанру байки.  Результати проведеного аналізу можуть бути використанні в подальшому дослідженні даної проблематики.










  1. Главацька Ю. Л. Композиційно –смислова структура англомовної байки Ж лінгвокогнітивний аспект. Автореф. дис. канд. філол. наук /Главацька Юлія Леонідівна. – Харків, 2008. – 23 c.
  2. Ade George, Fables in slang/ Illustrated by Clyde  J. Newman.- Herbert s. Stone and company Chicago and New York. 1899.- 328 p.
  3. Ade George, Forty Modern Fables.- Boston: Accent, 1901. – 203 p.
  4. Crossan, J.D. Parable, Fable, Allegory and Paradox / J.D. Crossan. - Boston: Accent, 1976. -421p.
  5. Gay J. The Fables, Volume 1.- London . 1989.-380p.
  6. GayJ. TheHareandManyFriends // Английская поэзия в русских переводах (XIV−XIX века) / GayJ. : Сост.  М.  П.  Алексеев ;  на англ.  и рус.  яз. /  М. П. Алексеев,  В.  В.  Захаров,  Б.  Б.  Томашевский. – М. : Прогресс, 1981.-312p.
  7. Harvey, V.A. A Handbook of Literary Terms/ V. A. Harvey. - New York: The Macmillan Company, 1964.-201 p.
  8. Howitt M., DiTerlizzi T., The Spider and The Fly : Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing , 2002.-30 p.
  9. Macmillan English dictionary for advanced learners. London. 2004.- 987 p.
  10. Merriam Webster dictionary; London.   2003. -543p.
  11. Nygren, A. Eros and Agape: A Handbook of Christian Theology/ A. Nygren. - Cleveland, Ohio: World Publising Company, 1958. – 101 p.
  12. Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary. 7th ed. Oxford. 1989.-879p.
  13. Sowder, W. Faulkner and Existentialism: A Note on the Generalissimo/ W. Sowder. - New York: Farrer, Straus and Giroux, 1968-167p.
  14. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.4th edition.-453p.
  15. Thurber James,The fables of our time.- New York: Farrer, Straus and Giroux, 1952.- 387p.
  16. Vieth D. M. John Dryden/ All for love.- Unites States of America, 1972.-251p.
  17. Weir H. Favourite fables in prose and verse.-London , 2007.-407p.
  18. W. H. Kearley Wright, F. R. The fables of John Gay/ A new edittion.-London and New York, 1889.-328p.
  19. Wilder, A. Theology and Modern Literature/ A. Wilder. - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1958. -131p.

Internet sources

  7. concentrates











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