Lexical problems of translation

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Апреля 2013 в 17:50, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Due to the semantic features of language the meanings of words, their usage, ability to combine with other words, associations awakened by them, the place they hold in the lexical system of a language do not concur for the most part. All the same «ideas» expressed by words coincide in most cases, though the means of expression differ.


Lexical substitution. 8
Supplementation. 9
Omission. 10

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The following problem which demands careful consideration in lexical transformations of translation is problem of word combinability. In all languages there are typical norms of word combinability. The concept of norm is relative, on the one hand, with system of language, and on the other hand, it is closely connected with speech, in which the originality of speech formation is displayed. Each language can form uncountable number new word combinations that will be understood by its bearers. In any language there exists generally accepted tradition of word combinations, which do not coincide with the corresponding tradition of word combinations in the other languages.

And it makes look for similarly accepted word combinations in the target language. The main part combined words usually coincide in translation, but the second one is frequently translated by a word possessing other logical meaning, but performing the same function, as for example:

Trains run - поезда ходят, rich feeding - обильная пища.

Labor Party protests followed sharply on the Tory deal with Spain.

Консервативтік үкіметтің Испаниямен келісіміне лейбористік партия наразылығын  білдірді.

За сообщением о сделке консервативного  правительства с Испанией немедленно последовал протест лейбористской партии.

The wider is the semantic volume of a word, the wider is its combinability, thus due to this feature it can interact with various word forms and word combinations. And this feature enables the translator to use his creativity in translation.

Along with traditional combinations in languages unexpected combinations are also possible, but they are quite clear, for they follow generally accepted semantic models of word combinability. This phenomenon - the connection of words with completely various semantic features - is peculiar to all languages, but in each language it has various rules and traditions. In English language such unexpected word combinations are formed very easily. It is probably caused by conversion and easiness in formation of new words in various ways, heterogeneity of languages vocabulary and some other reasons. Not only poets and writers, but also journalists frequently create unexpected word combination that makes their statements significantly vivid and original. The unexpectedness of word usage is closely connected with expressiveness of the statement.

Unexpected usage of word combinations hardens the task of translators, for words interrelate in combinations not only with one word, but also with a large number of other words of the sentence, for example:

The use of an adjective sharp in this context is unexpected: none of its meanings given in dictionaries gives the description of a hand. The difficulty of its translation is aggravated by presence of the second definition white, which excludes translation by words костлявый and сухой.

Белая, сухощавая рука мадам лежала на широком колене Адама.

In the given translation the sense of the sentence has been rendered but the unexpectedness of the used word was lost.

The last feature of lexical transformation to be discussed in this Paper is traditional word usage for every language and which causes frequent lexical transformations. This traditional usage is to some extent related to another approach to the phenomena of reality. For example:

The military base is built on terraces rising from the lake.

Әскери база көлге түсетін террасада  (бойында) құрылған (салынған). 

For Russian the traditional use will be:

Военная база построена на террасах, спускающихся к озеру.

In this case preposition is omitted in translation because as the originality of the English word usage required complete transformation.

To the traditional word usage can also be referred the so-called clichés - order, and the clichés in wider sense.

Hands up!

Қолыңды көтер!

Руки вверх!

Long live America!

Америка жасасын!

Да здравствует Америка!

The assault of the castle was followed by continuous bombing. Loss of life was uncountable.

Сарайдағы шабуыл ұзақ қақтығыстарға  созылды. Құрбандар сансыз көп болды.

За штурмом крепости последовала  длительная бомбардировка. Жертвы были бесчисленны.

The Commonwealth countries handle a quarter of the world's trade.

Әлемдік сауда-саттықтың төрттен  бір бөлігі Британдық мемлекеттердің достастығына келеді.

На страны Британского содружества  приходится четверть всей мировой торговли

As you can see from the examples given above in translations corresponding Russian clichés are also used.

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