Great Britain

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2013 в 13:30, реферат

Краткое описание

The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK). It occupies the territory of the British Isles. It is composed of about 5,500 large and small islands. The two biggest islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain (UK) consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The total area of the UK is about 244,100 square kilometers. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The population of Great Britain is over 57 million people. As the United Kingdom is an island state the climate there is very specific. It is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. There is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter. It often rains in all seasons.

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