German Foreign Policy under Bismarck

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Июля 2014 в 18:07, реферат

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My term paper is devoted to the analysis of diplomatic activity of Otto von Bismarck and his contribution to German diplomatic policy. Among the statesmen of the nineteenth century Bismarck occupies undoubtedly one of the first places as the historic value of their activities and the scale of its political and diplomatic talents and had the greatest influence on the fate of Europe and the world.
His name is inextricably linked to a number of important events of the German and European history, and, above all, of course, carried out by means of a policy of "blood and iron" the unification of Germany and the establishment of a bourgeois-Junker and militarist German Empire.


1. The importance of political activity Bismarck in the unification of Germany
2. Bismarck's role in the creation of the North German Confederation
3. General characteristics of the diplomacy of Bismarck
4. Specificity and successes in consolidation of diplomacy Bismarck

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              German Foreign Policy under Bismarck  



1. The importance of political activity Bismarck in the unification of Germany  

2. Bismarck's role in the creation of the North German Confederation  

3. General characteristics of the diplomacy of Bismarck  

4. Specificity and successes in consolidation of diplomacy Bismarck 



My term paper is devoted to the analysis of diplomatic activity of Otto von Bismarck and his contribution to German diplomatic policy. Among the statesmen of the nineteenth century Bismarck occupies undoubtedly one of the first places as the historic value of their activities and the scale of its political and diplomatic talents and had the greatest influence on the fate of Europe and the world. 
His name is inextricably linked to a number of important events of the German and European history, and, above all, of course, carried out by means of a policy of "blood and iron" the unification of Germany and the establishment of a bourgeois-Junker and militarist German Empire.  
It should also be noted that Bismarck was an outstanding diplomat and an outstanding military leader, who was fully manifested in the period of so-called "Prussian wars" of the late 1860s - early 1870s, as well as during the subsequent diplomatic activity. On the diplomatic talent of Bismarck and this clearly shows him the nickname - "Iron Chancellor".  
Approach to the study of historical figures of this magnitude can be very different, and in my term paper, I tried to focus on the most Bismarck as a statesman, in the west, where the life and work of Bismarck dismantled, it seems all the details, there are the most diverse and opposite each other interpretation and evaluation of its victories and defeats, and the identity of its assessed quite differently. "Iron Chancellor"; "Conservative to the bone"; "White revolutionary," has created a new Germany; culprit of its troubles in the twentieth century and a champion of peace in Europe; forerunner of Hitler. 1 
Of course, I am far from being able to offer a new interpretation of the entire activity of Bismarck or the original assessment of his personality. The aim of my term paper is to review Otto von Bismarck as a historical statesman and as part of the goal of the following main tasks: examine the role of Bismarck in the unification of German states; describe the main features of diplomatic activity Bismarck; highlight the policy pursued by Bismarck to further military and political development of Germany. 
While working on the exchange rate used in the following references: a monograph on the history of the German Empire; teaching aids; historical essays and biographies of Otto von Bismarck, and three volumes of memoirs of the Otto von Bismarck "Thoughts and Memories", which is necessary to dwell in more detail. It is well known that with the memories of Bismarck as a historical source, must be handled very carefully. Instead it "Thoughts and Memories" - a remarkable work of memoir literature of the last century, and it was immediately noticed a kind of political testament Bismarck.  
The second chapter describes the basic features of diplomacy of Otto von Bismarck in the various stages of his political activities.  
The importance of political activity of Bismarck in the unification of Germany.                                                         
Bismarck's political career began in May 1851, when Bismarck was appointed to the post of first councilor and then Prussian envoy in Frankfurt am Main. It proved a suitable candidate for the post.  
Bismarck understood the historical inevitability of the unification of Germany. To preserve and extend the dominance of the Prussian monarchy and the landowning nobility, it was necessary to satisfy interests of the German bourgeoisie in the question of the unification of Germany, to make it renounce claims to independent political role and leadership. Bismarck was down to business by relying on the army and the whole system of Prussian militarism. He realized that in the struggle for hegemony over the German states military clash between Prussia and Austria is inevitable. After realizing, Bismarck became persistently and consistently prepared an encounter that was to become one of the essential steps on the path to German reunification on Junker-dynastic basis under the leadership of Prussia. Bismarck, set himself the task, however, he realized the importance of its solution has the international political situation in creating the most favourable international conditions as a politician and diplomat.  

       Bismarck's role in the creation of the North German Confederation.  
Bismarck was appointed to the post of Minister-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs officially in early October 1862. Since then he has for 28 years stretch led policy of Prussia and then the German Empire.  
In one of the first official speeches he uttered his famous, quote countless times since the words: "... not by speeches and majority decisions of the great questions of the time resolved ... but by blood and iron." 2 
Meanwhile, the ill-fated words as soon discovered really become program: Bismarck policy in the coming years is quite responsible proclaimed thesis. "The policy of blood and iron", "Iron Chancellor" - all these entrenched in the political and historical literature and permanently connected with the image of Bismarck concepts which have their origin in his own words of the newly appointed minister.  
Denmark became the first victim of the "Bismarck" policy. Since the war between Prussia and Denmark, Bismarck wanted to prevent the planned conversion of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein into independent states as part of the German Confederation. In this war, he wanted to experience the power of the Prussian army after the reorganization and enlargement. He wanted to finally make the first step towards the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia.  
Moment to strike on Denmark was very well chosen. Austria, Prussia, not wanting to give one to take advantage of the laurels of military victories, was forced to join it. Having secured the neutrality of France, Prussia fell on Denmark, which was quickly crushed. European great powers, represented by Britain, France and Russia, were powerless to prevent the collapse lasted four centuries and recognized by international agreement due Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark. Bismarck's personal prestige rose in the eyes of foreigners, as well as in their own country. Especially they have been pleased with the king. In a letter to Bismarck, he wrote: "In the four years that have elapsed since then, as I put you at the head of government, Prussia took a position worthy of its history and its promising future in a happy and glorious future." 3 
The most important result of the Austro-Prussian War was a complete exclusion of Austria from German affairs, providing a decisive influence on the North German state of Prussia through the creation of the North German Confederation, the annexation of Schleswig-Holstein to Prussia and accession of three states - Hannover, Hesse-Castel, Nassau, and the free city of Frankfurt am Main. Under the name of the North German Confederation in Central Europe arose, in fact, the new state. On this occasion, Bismarck wrote in his memoirs: "... I came from the fact that a united Germany - only a matter of time and that the North German Confederation, only the first step on the way to resolve it." 4 
Line on top of the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia made ​​significant, although not yet final success. In the early 60-ies in Germany have a situation where the execution of one of the essential tasks of the bourgeois transformation - creating a single nation-state - was inevitable. And at this moment a conservative Junker Bismarck began bourgeois tasks for implementing the country's unification. It implements the national aspirations of the bourgeoisie and thereby saved the foundations of the existing system; over tighten on its side - the side of the monarchy, the military, the higher bureaucracy, the Junkers - bourgeois circles. They had for the satisfaction of their national aspirations to pay a waiver of liberal illusions.  
Austro-Prussian War, along with its results, many historians call the Bismarck "revolution from above."5 First, from my point of view, the unification of Germany was an act of progressive, purpose and objective of the bourgeois revolution. Secondly, exercised its Bismarck using radical and revolutionary in this sense essentially methods.  
In my opinion, the fact that all historians interpret Bismarck implement under his Association of German lands as a rigid and undemocratic, is absolutely true. In carrying out its policy in this direction Bismarck relied not on the natural forces of integration, and "iron and blood", i.e. in fact, military power of Prussia around which successfully carried the union.  
Of course, in the early 70s Bismarck position within the ruling elite significantly strengthened thanks to his successes in foreign policy and its role in the empire. However, since ultimately the fate of the Bismarck depended on his influence on the emperor and not of constitutional guarantees, his position has always been shaky internally. " 

           General characteristics of the diplomacy of Bismarck. 
In this part of my term paper, I have highlighted the main features of the Bismarck as a diplomat. Bismarck’s Total Foreign Policy concept was based on the consistent implementation of the principle of public interest, which eliminates the emotional, sentimental and even ideological considerations. “We must proceed only from the fact - Bismarck believed, what are the interests of Prussia, that it is beneficial to us. And that is beneficial should be sought. Therefore Prussian policy should be purposeful, active, courageous and independent.” 6 
Thus, the foreign policy agenda of Bismarck, in my opinion, could be formulated in the following terms: a resolute struggle against Austria, the strengthening of relations with Russia was the specificity-diplomacy of Bismarck during the Prussian wars. Bismarck appointment to the highest government position held in an atmosphere of acute political crisis, and called the constitutional conflict between the king and the Landtag.  
The reason for the conflict between the government and liberals served as the question of military reform, the end result of which was to be the militarization of the country and the rise of the Junkers. Under the influence of the minister of war, he agreed to call for help Bismarck, who was fighting with the Landtag had to implement a policy of "strong" hands. September 23, 1862 Bismarck was inducted into the government and two weeks later appointed as a Minister-President. Since the war between Prussia and Denmark, Bismarck wanted to start the first step from the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia.  
From the view of the balance of forces in the international arena timing of strike against Denmark was very successful. This situation describes very accurately by A.S. Erusalimskyi in his introduction to the memoirs of Bismarck: "Austria and Prussia are not wanting to give one to use the laurels of military victories, was forced to join it. England endeavouring to growl, but without the support of a continental power almost nothing I could do. And this, in turn, strengthened Bismarck understanding how important for Prussia to make a good relations with the eastern neighbour.”7  
Good relations with Russia were also needed for the next phase of the reunification of Germany, and to conduct the war against Austria. In Bismarck diplomatically and brilliantly prepared this war. He contacted Italy, coaxed with promises of Napoleon III and acted in the belief that Russia will not be inclined to save Austria.  
The position taken by Russia during the Prussian-Austrian war was one of the most important factors determining the success of the implementation of the national program. Bismarck understood this and insistent attitude of Russia, the final act on the way to the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia. He needed Russian neutrality in the coming war with France. About how Bismarck prepared this war diplomatically, he pretty recounts in his memoirs. Crippled Emsskaya dispatch not only published in the newspapers, but also reported on the orders of Bismarck North German diplomatic representatives of foreign governments, has caused a storm of indignation in France. Russia's position and there was crucial. The Prussian army led by General Moltke unexpectedly and quickly defeated the Bonaparte of France. The one of main success of the Prussian army was determined by its well fixed eastern border.  
Thus, in my opinion, during the formation of the German Empire Bismarck strenuously tried to maintain and strengthen relations with Russia. Fear seized it in connection with the Paris Commune, provided additional incentive to enhance the political ties with Russian.  
In general, describing the diplomacy of Bismarck during the Prussian War, I made the following important conclusion: Bismarck created his own kind of military-diplomatic style. For his diplomacy was characterized by rigidity and lack of principles, a commitment to preventive war tactics and implementing a fairly aggressive diplomacy8. It should be noted that for the time this kind of military diplomacy is quite effective.  

              Specificity and successes in consolidation of diplomacy Bismarck 
Education German Empire opened a new page in the history of international and diplomatic relations in Europe. The main goal, which for many years sought to Bismarck, was achieved. German reunification has become a mighty power, designed to play a greater role in the international arena. France was defeated. Its ruling classes themselves reimbursed victory over the Paris Commune. In its foreign policy reaction France grovelled under German winners and Russian tsar.  
In his memoirs, Bismarck said that even in the midst of the campaign against France, he was concerned about the strengthening of relations with Russia and Austria-Hungary. Thus, he sought to prevent possible recurrence of the coalition of three powers: Russia, Austria and France. He reveals another secret thoughts, which he was already busy - to attract future alliance of monarchical powers and Italy. 9 
By this time, Bismarck attempted a wider political rapprochement with England, which was admittedly failed. The British government responded that it took a very low profile. Around the same time Bismarck said that as long as England does not realize that his only and reliable ally on the continent it can find in the face of Germany, good relations with Russia for Germany have the greatest value.

The last five years, Bismarck’ greatest diplomatic activity was successfully powerful. Growth of imperialist interests in several major European countries, the pursuit of new colonial acquisitions - all of which made the old and new antagonisms engendered.  
Turning the colonial policy of Germany and some settling occurred on this ground disputes, Bismarck has cleared the way for improved relations with Britain. However, it was necessary to continue the struggle to prevent an alliance between Russia and France, for the improvement of relations with the eastern neighbour. But it was not so simple. The rivalry between Russia and Britain in the Middle East and especially in Central Asia has put these powers before the danger of war. The rivalry between Austria-Hungary and Russia in the Balkans has not decreased. Bismarck's Germany pushed Tsarist Russia in both directions, believing that it would distract from the latest European Affairs. In this challenging environment contradictions piled around Germany Bismarck created a new extensive system of diplomatic relations. Saps internal antagonisms, this system in its essential links began to disintegrate in the period of Bismarck's resignation.  
In the hands of Bismarck one of the weapons to improve relations with the Tsarist Russia was financial loans from the German stock exchange. Opening the tsarist government access to the German money market, thus, Bismarck delayed deterioration of Russian-German relations. In the mid-eighties, loans granted played a significant role sense. However, in 1887 Bismarck decided to close the tsarist government further access to the German money market, hoping that this kind of pressure will make the then Russia more compliant in relation to the economic requirements of Germany. But he miscalculated. Needing money, and knew that the door Berlin banks before it closed, the tsarist government appealed to the French money market. This made a quick accelerated rapprochement between the Russian tsarist government and the French exchange. On the horizon of European policy were outlined the contours of a future Franco-Russian alliance.  
In general, the diplomacy of Bismarck in the 80s can be described as follows: at the end of his political career, Bismarck often resorted to complicated, inflexible diplomatic structures, which in most cases are not sufficiently effective in the new, dynamic political environment.  
In conclusion of my term paper the historical person of German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck had a very significant impact on the development of Germany in the second half of the XIX century. First of all, the role of Bismarck is that under his direction completed "blood and iron" Association of German lands and on the political map of Europe, a new influential state - the German Empire. Bismarck formed a new style of European military diplomacy, which later enjoyed fairly active followers of the "Iron Chancellor" - Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler10. The principal characteristics of Otto von Bismarck's diplomacy include: stiffness, often combined with a lack of principle; extreme pragmatism; complex combination of diplomacy and military force; the use of sophisticated military and diplomatic structures and etc.  
Bismarck's foreign policy led by the German Empire came from the recognition of the inevitability of a new European war and needed to prepare a favourable political and military positions to strike with enemies. That is why Bismarck did not weaken international tension even there were much diplomatic intricacies, conversely he tried rather to maintain and strengthen it. System of German militarism which was contributed and laid by Bismarck in the second half of the nineteenth century had a huge impact on European and even in world history first half of the twentieth century.



  1. A.S. Erusalimskyi “Introductory article. Thoughts and memories”
  2. Bismarck O. “Thoughts and memories” Vol. II,III
  3. Rothstein F.A. “From the history of the Prussian-German Empire” Moscow, 1948
  4. A. Palmer “Bismarck” Moscow, 1997
  5. Obolenskaya S.V. “The policy of Bismarck struggle of parties in Germany” M., 1992
  6. Erusalimskyi A.S. “Bismarck. Diplomacy and militarism” Moscow, 1968.
  7. Jonathan Steinberg  „Bismarck: Magier der Macht“ New York, 2011



1 A.S. Erusalimskyi “Introductory article. Thoughts and memories”, p.23.

2 Bismarck O. “Thoughts and memories”, v.2, p.84.

3 Rothstein F.A. “From the history of the Prussian-German Empire. Moscow”, 1948.

4 Bismarck O. “Thoughts and memories”, v.2, p.84.

5 Bismarck O. “Thoughts and memories”,V.2, p. 228

6 A. Palmer “Bismarck” Moscow., 1997

7 A.S. Erusalimskyi “Introductory article. Thoughts and memories” p.56.


8 Obolenskaya S.V. “The policy of Bismarck struggle of parties in Germany” M., 1992


9 Bismarck O. “Thoughts and memories” v.2, p.114.

10 Jonathan Steinberg  „Bismarck: Magier der Macht“  New York, 2011




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