Family relationships

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Декабря 2013 в 01:15, реферат

Краткое описание

Family plays a very important role in our life, no doubt. And, of course, the happier we are in our family life, the more successful we are in professional spheres. English people say: not every house can be called home! And it is true! Your home is your castle! The place where you can hide from the difficulties and problems of the day, the place, where you can feel at ease, the place, where you can be yourself.If house can exist without family, home- never. Home should be filled with smiles and laughing of children and their parents, heart-talks of close people and happy faces. There are different kinds of families: big and small families, with the only child and with the crowd of children.

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