Concept and feature of literary translation

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Июля 2014 в 11:34, реферат

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The urgency of a theme of research follows that translation of art texts is one of the most complicated problems of translation. Prominent feature of fiction is display in each case of an individual art manner of the writer. Thus the manner of the writer is caused by its outlook, influence of an aesthetics of an epoch and literary school, lexical and grammatical (in particular, syntactic) means of language and their parities with each other.

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Very close logic communication between these two offers does necessary merge of two paragraphs while translating.

Association of offers and even two paragraphs while translating not only quite probably, but even is natural, when the same thought develops in them. Such offers usually are a part of the difficult syntactic whole. Under the difficult syntactic whole the piece of the statement consisting of several offers and representing structurally-semantic unity means.

The simple sentence sometimes demands reorganization also in connection with discrepancy of types of a predicate in English and Russian languages. For example:

S.T. – Their summits are bare and windswept.

T.T. – На их обнаженных вершинах гуляет ветер.

Transfer of this offer as follows: «Их вершины обнажены и обдуваемы ветром» would be literal (it would copy structure of the English offer) and consequently it is not comprehensible. The variant of translation where the first predicative member is transferred by definition, and the second – subject and simple predicate, is correct.

The compound predicate with a link-verb «to be» in transfer is sometimes replaced with a simple predicate, thus the nominal part is usually translated by an adverb. For example:

S.T. – He was loath to come.

T.T. – Он неохотно пришел.

S.T. – Traffic was in chaos

T.T. – Уличное движение было полностью нарушено.

S.T. – The Executive Board has been quick to realize that it must bring a number of problems to the fore.

T.T. – Исполнительный Комитет быстро понял, что должен выдвинуть ряд вопросов.

The verb to «be» in present time in Russian, as a rule, falls. However in scientific, official or journalese prose it is often translated by verbs «являться», «составлять», «входить», «оказываться», «находиться», «есть» etc.

S.T. – The terrestrial globe is a member of the solar system.

T.T. – Земной шар входит в солнечную систему.

The turn «there is», «there are» too represents known difficulties while translating, and offers with this turn demand reorganization. For example:

S.T. – And there is the famous lime-tree in front of the City-Hall supported by stone pillars.

T.T. – И перед ратушей стоит знаменитая старая липа с каменными подпорками.

The design with entering «there» informs something new on a subject or the phenomenon, about its presence silt absence, therefore and possibility of its transfer by a simple predicate depending on a context is not excluded. For example:

S.T. – There was Penelope flying after me like mad. (W. Collins, The Moonstone)

T.T. – Я обернулся и увидел Пенелопу, которая летала за мной, как безумная…

While translating the offers beginning with this turn, on the first place the adverbial modifier of place or time either is put, and the predicate falls, or is replaced with a simple predicate.

S.T. – There were differing views yesterday about the procedure which will rule today’s discussion.

T.T. – Вчера высказывались различные точки зрения относительно процедуры, под знаком которой будет проходить сегодняшнее обсуждение вопроса.

The special kind of a predicate in English language represents so-called «a group-verb predicate». The predicate of this type is formed of combinations of the most common verbs (to have, to take, to give, to get, etc.) with a noun. It is necessary to notice, that the nouns, which are a part of such predicate, are often formed by conversion. For example:

S.T. – He had a wash and a smoke.

T.T. – Он умылся и закурил.

S.T. – He gave the coat a brush and a shake.

T.T. – Он почистил пальто щеткой и встряхнул его.

S.T. – He took the bellrope in his hand and gave it a brisk tug.

T.T. – Схватив шнурок звонка, он резко его дернул.

The predicate of this type is usually translated into Russian by a simple predicate, but sometimes it is necessary to enter an additional word: выкурил папиросу, почистил щеткой etc. This word transfers value of a nominal part of a group predicate.

Further, it is necessary to stop on transfer of so-called attributive groups which are so typical for modern English language.

The attributive group is the definition consisting of several elements, for example, from nouns in the general case and adjectives, sometimes from the whole phraseological unity or even the whole offer.

Syntactic formation of definitions is prominent feature of modern English language, as well as a word formation by conversion. Both that and another often has not constant character, and is the use or word formation on the given case.

The attributive groups, which are phraseological unities, meet both in fiction, and in oral literary speech:

S.T. – A happy-go-lucky fellow

T.T. – Бесшaбашный парень

S.T. – He greeted him in his usual hail-fellow-well-met manner.

T.T. – Он приветствовал его, как обычно, по-приятельски, со свойственной ему общительностью.

S.T. – «I … never cared for your set-the-Thames-afire gentlemen, who are so much more clever than their neighbours.» (W.M. Thackeray, The Virginians)

T.T. – «Мне… никогда не нравились все эти наши господа, которые хотят удивить мир и считают себя умнее своих ближних».

S.T. – A handful of dates and a cup of coffee habit. (John Galsworthy, Flowering Wilderness)

T.T. – Привычка питаться горсточкой фиников и чашкой кофе.

In spite of the fact that phraseological epithets often consist of many words, they are compressed and compact and while translating introduction of additional words, as in last example often demand: «привычка питаться».





Due to replacements, additions adequate translation also is possible. The statement about impossibility of translation in general which was done{made} by many large philologists – idealists therefore is incorrect. Perfectly asserting{approving}, that the work of art always has strongly pronounced national character and that each language possesses original means of expressiveness inherent only in it{him}, they drew from this a wrong conclusion on impossibility of translation in general. Such point of view large German philosophers – linguists – adhered to G.V. Lejbnits, V. Humboldt, A. Shlegel, being founders of the so-called theory of untranslations.

It is necessary to agree with position of these scientists about an originality of each language and national character of fiction. About it spoke Жуковский and Pushkin, Belinsky and Fet both many other writers and translators. Belinsky wrote in this occasion, that «if Pushkin has undertaken to translate Гёте, we and from him{it} have demanded, that it{he} has shown us Гёте, instead of». Pushkin, quite dividing{sharing} this point of view, wrote:» from translators began to demand more fidelity… Have wished to see Данте, Shakespeare and Сервантеса in their own kind, in their national clothes…».

Our writers realized a national originality of each language. But as against supporters of the theory of untranslation, they drew from this a correct conclusion, considering, that original features of any language cannot serve as an obstacle for translation.

The life has denied the theory of untranslation. It is enough to recollect fine translations – both in Russian, and in the foreign literature, – becoming property of these literatures; for example, V. Zhukovsky, V.S. Kurochkin, N. Bunin, M. Lozinsky, S. Marshak, L. Tika and A. Shlegelja, E. Fittsdzherald, Prospera Merimee's translations and others.

Aspiring to adequacy, the translator should not forget about that, language of translation should be faultlessly correct. Any desire to keep grammatical designs, phraseological combinations or stylistic receptions of the original cannot excuse infringements of norms of language on which translation is done{made}, in this case Russian. However even skilled translators at times suppose infringement of norms of Russian, running in literalism.

Summing up above-stated, it is possible to tell, that in the practical work the translator can lean on the theory of translation in which principles of translation are developed and the most important natural conformity in the lexical, grammatical and stylistic plan are established. The skilled translator widely uses the conformity saved up during the practical work and is able to resort to the established laws. However, work of the translator is not reduced only to skill to use by ready formulas. While translating fiction from the translator skill to use adequate the deputy is required. It should not miss from a kind that translates not separate words, and words and word-combinations in system of the complex whole. The translator should aspire not to transfer of the separate element, a separate word, and to transfer of that semantic and stylistic function which is carried out by the given element. It necessity of misses and additions, replacements of one word with another, replacements of parts of speech, etc. speaks.





1. Апполова М.А. Грамматические трудности перевода

2. Комиссаров В.Н. Вопросы теории перевода в зарубежной лингвистике

3. Комиссаров В.Н. Лингвистика перевода

4. Латышев Л.К. Курс перевода

5. Левицкая; Фитерман Теория и практика перевода

6. Рецкер Я.И. Теория перевода и переводческая практика

7. Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода

8. Чужакин; Палажченко Мир перевода

9. Швейцер А.Д. Перевод лингвистика

10. Швейцер А.Д. Теория перевода

11. Уилки Коллинз Лунный камень (перевод Мариэтты Шагинян)

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