Maintenance of Competitiveness of Productionjavascript

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Апреля 2013 в 15:05, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Formation of the potential for businesses to compete and achieve effective results in today's complicated by the need for continuous adaptation to changing conditions, which requires, in turn, search for evidence-based concepts of operation and development of enterprises, improve its competitiveness. Development of these concepts necessitates in-depth study of both the economic competitiveness of the category, its features and characteristics, and the nature of influence of global trends, political factors, the characteristics of the specific historical stage of the process of its formation and improvement. That is, in a market economy, the competitiveness category is one of the key, because it determines the level of success or failure of the enterprise, and increase competitiveness and hence growth of its exports means to improve the lives of the population.


1. Competitiveness in Economic Science………………………………………….4
1.1. The concept of competitiveness………………………………….....4
1.2. Types of Competitiveness…………………………………..............5
1.3. Indicators of competitiveness of the product.....................................6

2. Competitive Products as Economic Factors……………………………………..9
2.2. Factors determining the competitiveness…………………………...9
2.3. Quality - the main factor determining the competitiveness………..18
3. Ways to improve the competitiveness of goods………………………………..21
3.1. The concept of competitive products and methods of assessment…………...21
3.2. The role of positioning in ensuring the competitiveness of the goods……….24
List of used Literature…………………………………………………………….29

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The decision to allow exact positioning us to proceed to the next step, namely, the detailed planning of the marketing mix.

Competitiveness of the goods - a comprehensive characterization of its possibility and probability to be sold on the market within a certain period if the market of similar products of competitors.





























Thus, the competitiveness of the product - is a complex multi-faceted characteristics, reflecting the ability of products during the period of its production meet the quality requirements of a particular market (s), adjust the ratio of price and quality to consumer preferences, provide benefits for the manufacturer to implement it.

Competitiveness has influenced some driving forces or factors. Currently, there are many classifications of factors of competitiveness of production. The most detailed and comprehensive, the factors of competitiveness of the goods represented. Dividing all the factors of internal and external, not only resulted, but have thrust their impact on the competitiveness of the goods. Every product has a number of properties that determine its degree of fitness for a particular setting. To objectively assess the competitiveness of the goods, the manufacturer should the analysis using the same criteria that the consumer operates.

Among the criteria for defining the competitiveness of manufactured goods, produce: technical (appointments, regulations, ergonomic, aesthetic, and others), economic (cost of consumption) and organizational (discounts, payment terms and deliveries are complete, the terms and conditions of warranties, etc.)

To determine the competitiveness of products based on selected criteria, using different indicators. To compare the values ​​of various indicators of the competitiveness of goods at different stages of its life cycle, they were divided into two major categories: cost (cost, revenue, investments, etc.) and qualitative (after-sales service of goods, the level of publicity, advertising, etc.).

Ensuring competitiveness requires its quantitative assessment, which can be obtained as various analytical and graphical methods. Since the use of only any one method does not provide a complete picture of the level of competitiveness, in assessing the competitiveness of products and companies need to use an integrated method.

In order to increase competitiveness must implement comprehensive measures to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise, industry or country.

An evaluation of the competitiveness of products by the manufacturer may undertake the following ways to improve competitiveness:

• Changes in the composition, structure of the materials (raw materials, intermediate products), components and / or design of products;

• Change the order of product design;

• changes in technology, manufacturing products; test methods, quality control of manufacturing, storage, packaging, transportation and installation;

• changes in product prices, prices for services, maintenance and repair services, and prices of spare parts;

• change the order the sale of products on the market;

• Changes in structure and size of investments in the development, production and marketing;

• changes in the structure and volume of cooperative supply at production and prices for components and composition of selected suppliers;

• changes in incentive systems vendors;

• Changes in the structure of imports and of exports.

The main approach here is the issue of an increasing number of new products are in high demand, the prices which are lower than those of competitors, and qualitative characteristics - above.













































Fig.1.1. Diagram showing the relationship of competitiveness at different levels.





























List of Used Literature:


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2. Brylev A. competitiveness of agricultural products. / / AIC: Economics and Management. 1998. 

3. Ravens A. Productivity and Competitiveness: the two sides of the coin. / A. Voronov. / / Man and labor. 2002.

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5. Golubkov, HE Study and gain competitive advantage. / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. 1999.

6. Dihtl, E., H. Hershgen Practical marketing. - M.: Higher School, 1995.

7. Zolotogorov VG Economy: New Collegiate Dictionary. Book House, 2003.

8. Emelianov S. The international competitiveness of producers: the determinants of the markets and competitive advantages. / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2002.

9. Krugman PR, Obstfeld M. International Economics. Theory and Politics: Translated from English. - St. Petersburg.: Publisher: Peter., 2003.

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11. Plyasunkov A. Economic methods of management competitiveness of products: Dissertation / A. Plyasunkov. 2002.

12. Porter, ME Competition. - Moscow: Publishing House "Williams", 2001.

13. Porter, ME International competition. / Trans. from English. - Moscow: International Relations., 1993.

14. Ter-Grigoryants RG Methodological approaches to assessing the competitiveness of products and companies. / / Journal NCSTU. A series of "Economics." 2003

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21. Yudin VE The role of quality in economic policy and ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products. / / Economics of agricultural and processing enterprises. 2000.

22. Yasheva GA How to assess the competitiveness of the goods. / / Marketing Education. 2004.
























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