The subject and method of theory of state and law

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Сентября 2013 в 17:10, реферат

Краткое описание

From the title of this jurisprudence we learn about the subject of her study are two interconnected institutions - the state and law. This is not to mix the institutions of the state and law as certain forms of social relationships and the science of them - the theory of state and law. The state and the right - the complex social institutions with the various parties, the various manifestations. Theory of State and Law, reflects the general and essential in these phenomena, it is the science of the general laws of emergence, operation and development of the state and law as social institutions, their nature, place and role in society. The subject of the theory of law is the study of patterns of occurrence, development and change of state and legal phenomena.

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