Business Etiquette

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Января 2014 в 08:55, реферат

Краткое описание

Etiquette is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. The French word etiquette, literally signifying a tag or label first appeared in English around 1750.
In simple words, it is defined as good behavior which distinguishes human beings from animals.
Human Being is a social animal and it is really important for him to behave in an appropriate way. Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially responsible way or it refers to guidelines which control the way a responsible individual should behave in the society.


1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................…...3
1.1 Need for Etiquette
1.2 Types of Etiquette
2. BUSINESS ETIQUETTE …………………………………………5
2.2 Definition
2.3 Objectives
5. CONCLUSION …………………………………………………….9
6. REFERENCES……………………………………………………10

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Department of Culture

Course: Business Communications






Business Etiquette







Student Irina Artjomova

  Group 6521     

  Contents……………………………………………………………… 2

1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................…...3

1.1 Need for Etiquette

1.2 Types of Etiquette

2. BUSINESS ETIQUETTE …………………………………………5


2.2 Definition

2.3 Objectives 



5. CONCLUSION …………………………………………………….9

6. REFERENCES……………………………………………………10



Etiquette is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. The French word etiquette, literally signifying a tag or label first appeared in English around 1750.

In simple words, it is defined as good behavior which distinguishes human beings from animals.

Human Being is a social animal and it is really important for him to behave in an appropriate way. Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially responsible way or it refers to guidelines which control the way a responsible individual should behave in the society.

1.1 Need for Etiquette

Etiquette makes you a cultured individual who leaves his mark wherever he goes.

Etiquette teaches you the way to talk, walk and most importantly behave in the society.

Etiquette is essential for an everlasting first impression. The way you interact with your superiors, parents, fellow workers, friends speak a lot about your personality and up- bringing.

Etiquette enables the individuals to earn respect and appreciation in the society. No one would feel like talking to a person who does not know how to speak or behave in the society.

Etiquette inculcates a feeling of trust and loyalty in the individuals. One becomes more responsible and mature.

Etiquette helps individuals to value relationships.



1.2 Types of Etiquette

Social Etiquette- Social etiquette is important for an individual as it teaches him how to behave in the society.

Corporate Etiquette- Corporate Etiquette refers to how an individual should behave while he is at work. Each one needs to maintain the decorum of the organization. Don’t loiter around unnecessary or peep into other’s cubicles.

Wedding Etiquette- Wedding is a special event in every one’s life. Individuals should ensure they behave sensibly at weddings. Never be late to weddings or drink uncontrollably.

Meeting Etiquette- Meeting Etiquette refers to styles one need to adopt when he is attending any meeting, seminar, presentation and so on. Listen to what the other person has to say. Never enter meeting room without a notepad and pen. It is important to jot down important points for future reference.

Telephone Etiquette- It is essential to learn how one should interact with the other person over the phone. Telephone etiquette refers to the way an individual should speak on the phone. Never put the other person on long holds. Make sure you greet the other person. Take care of your pitch and tone.

Eating Etiquette- Individuals must follow certain decorum while eating in public. Don’t make noise while eating. One should not leave the table unless and until everyone has finished eating.

Business Etiquette- Business Etiquette includes ways to conduct a certain business. Don’t ever cheat customers. It is simply unethical.

To conclude, etiquette transforms a man into a gentleman.


Proper Business Etiquette impacts everyone within an organization. When people think about etiquette, they often think about fancy table settings and engraved stationery, but good manners are actually designed to help people cope gracefully with the circumstances of everyday life. One place where good manners can be an especially good idea is at work, where business etiquette can have a positive impact on your career.

Like all etiquette, business etiquette is a group of recommended behaviors for particular situations that occur at work.

Business etiquette is designed to cover every aspect of a person's professional life, from job interviews to management techniques. In general, business etiquette encourages workers to treat each other with respect and courtesy by suggesting the best way to behave in different situations.


The word etiquette refers to the norms and standards for behavior that govern socially acceptable behavior in a given situation. Business etiquette focuses on actions deemed appropriate in professional settings. By getting in the habit of behaving in a manner consistent with the principles related to good business etiquette, you'll be more likely to make an excellent impression on people you encounter on a daily basis.



2.2 Definition

Business Etiquettes is defined as an expected behaviors & expectations for individual actions within society, group, or class. Within a place of business, it involves treating coworkers and employer with respect and courtesy in a way that creates a pleasant work environment for everyone.

2.3 Objectives: 

• Create a professional image, follow cubicle and office etiquette, and maintain positive office relationships. 

• Use the Internet appropriately when at work and handle ethical dilemmas and personal issues in the workplace. 

• Introduce people properly, be a good conversationalist, and follow proper etiquette in meetings. 

• Display courtesy on the telephone, in voice mails, and in written communications. 

• Follow proper etiquette at business functions and dinners, and identify formal table settings for business dining. 

• Be a courteous traveler and prepare for international business trips.




Avoid improper cell phone usage: One of the most prevalent etiquette problems in the modern business world is related to cell phone usage. Too frequently, people breach proper business etiquette by leaving their telephones on during meetings; taking calls while in the middle of conversations with clients, co-workers, and even supervisors; carrying on loud cell phone conversations while in office building elevators; and using cell phones in additional inappropriate situations. With the widespread adoption of cell phone usage, many people have lost sight of the fact that the person who is in front of you at a given point in time deserves your full attention. Ignoring or postponing the person who is with you to take a call from someone else is rude, and conveys a general lack of respect. It's also disrespectful and inappropriate to inflict your telephonic conversations on other people. If you want to make a positive impression, you should limit your cell phone conversations to time and places where they are not disruptive or intrusive to others.

Wear appropriate attire: Dressing in a manner appropriate for your company, position, and activities is essential at all times. As a professional, the image you convey sends a message to others about you and the organization you represent. When you dress in an appropriate manner, people are likely to form positive impressions about your abilities and the professionalism of the organization you represent. If your image is less than professional, however, people will assume the same is true about your abilities and actions.

Be on time: Punctuality is an important component of business etiquette. Developing a pattern of being late or getting in the habit of keeping people waiting sends a very unprofessional message. Individuals who have the habit and reputation for punctuality tend to be viewed much more favorably by colleagues, customers, and clients than those who have problems with timeliness.

Watch your language: If you want people to view you as a professional, it's important to conduct yourself as a professional at all times. You should avoid using any form of profanity or swearing in business settings or when you are in the company of business associates in other environment. It's also vital to avoid telling off-color jokes of any type. Making inappropriate remarks or using language that is not appropriate in a professional environment sends a negative message about your judgment and professionalism.

Use a proper telephone greeting: While there isn't one right way to answer your office or cell phone, there are certainly number of wrong ways to greet callers. When you answer the telephone, it's important to remember that the words you use and the attitude your tone of voice conveys can be the first impression you make on a new contact. Sound professional, positive, and sincere when you answer the phone. Greet the caller, state the name of your company, follow with your name, and conclude by offering to help the caller.

Develop a professional handshake: In the business world, people often form initial impressions of other people based on their handshake. When you meet a new person, or greet a business associate in a formal setting, it's advisable to extend your hand and offer a firm handshake.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Don't lose sight of the fact that the way you conduct yourself is the foundation on which other people from their opinions of you. You can claim to be committed to customer service, but if you don't behave in a manner that conveys respect to your customers, you will not be seen as an effective service provider. You can tell your boss that you're ready for a promotion, but if you don't dress and act the part, you'll never be viewed as management material. The way you behave sends a much stronger message than the words you speak.

                      4. OFFICE ETIQUETTE: SOME DO’S AND DON’TS


Don't try and find 'best friends' among your colleagues.

Don't try and get up, close and personal with your boss.

Don't try and seek audience from the next cubicle when talking on the phone.

Don't keep ring tones of your mobile very loud when at work.

Don't peep over your colleague's shoulders to read their emails.

Don't entertain jokes that have sexual overtones.

Don't comment on people's sense of dressing.

Don't try and seek unnecessary attention by constantly talking about your achievements.


Do reply to office mails and try to use lower cases while typing as bold letters signify a scream.

Do keep you voice low while talking.

If you have a problem that may force you to stay away from work, keep your boss in the loop.

Do congratulate a colleague on his/her achievements even if you do not approve of his/her ways.

Do not forget to shut you mobile phone during meetings.





Etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that apply to social situations, professional workplaces and relationships. In the business world, good business etiquette means that you act professionally and exercise proper manners when engaging with others in your profession. In business, the relationships you build are critical. Establishing good rapport is significant if you want to progress your professional future, take on new clients, impress your boss or close that final sale. The way to build positive relationships in the business world is by exercising good etiquette, specifically by exhibiting top-notch communication skills.

Thus, good business etiquette is a valuable skill-set that will make you stand out from others, enhance your chances at success and help you land that dream job. It is the recipe for advancing your career. In the business world, people with good etiquette are rewarded for their professional and polite skills.







Bell, Arthur H., Smith, Dayle M. Management Communication, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. United  States, 1999, - p.545

 Thill, John V., Bovec, Courtland L., Excellence in Business Communication, Pearson Education International, United States, 6th ed.,2006, p.546

Lesicar, Raymand V. Basic Business Communication, Richard P.IRWIN, Inc. United States , 1993, p.761

Wayne, F.Stanford, Dauwalder, David P., Communicating in Business. An Action Oriented Approach, Austen Press Inc., United States, 1994, p.669


More tips on business etiquette can be found at the following links:



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