Flag of Kazakhstan

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Октября 2013 в 14:47, реферат

Краткое описание

Табиғаттағы тірі жан-жануарлардың бәрі де өз тіршілігін өліммен аяқтайды, яғни мәйітке айналады. «Өмір сүру-өлу деген сөз» деп Ф.Энгельстің айтқаны осының дәлелі болса керек. Өлу заңдылықтарын, оның себептерін және өлімнен кейінгі өзгерістерді зерттейтін ілімді танатология деп атайды. Адам өлімін бүкіл организмнің өлімі деп қаару керек. Өлім белгілерін білу, өлім себептерін анықтау барлық дәрігерлер үшін, әсіресе, патологанатомдар үшін аса қажет. Патологанатом тек аурухана жағдайында қайтыс болған науқасты ашып көріп, өзінің қорытынды сөзін өлімнің қай ауру салдарынан болғанын, оның пайда болу механизмдерін ашып береді.

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                         №59 gymnasium school









           Topic: Flag of Kazakhstan










                             Made by: Zhamurova Meruert

                             Checked by: Lebekova Gulbarchin            




               Flag of Kazakhstan





Қазақстан Республикасының Мемлекеттiк Туы


National flag and civil ensign




4 June 1992


A gold sun with 32 rays above a soaring golden steppe eagle, both centered on a sky blue field. The hoist side displays a national ornamental pattern "koshkar-muiz" (the horns of the ram) in gold

Designed by

Shaken Niyazbekov

Variant flag of Kazakhstan


State ensign



Variant flag of Kazakhstan


Naval ensign



The current flag of Kazakhstan or Kazakh flag (Kazakh: Қазақстан туы Qazaqstan twı) was adopted on 4 June 1992, replacing the flag of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. The flag was designed by Shaken Niyazbekov.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Interpretation
  • 3 Historical flags
  • 4 See also
  • 5 References
  • 6 External links


The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan has a gold sun with 32 rays above a soaring golden steppe eagle, both centered on a sky blue background; the hoist side displays a national ornamental pattern "koshkar-muiz" (the horns of the ram) in gold; the blue color is of religious significance to the Turkic peoples of the country, and so symbolizes cultural and ethnic unity; it also represents the endless skyas well as water; the sun, a source of life and energy, exemplifies wealth and plenitude; the sun's rays are shaped like grain, which is the basis of abundance and prosperity; the eagle has appeared on the flags of Kazakh tribes for centuries and represents freedom, power, and the flight to the future. The width of the flag to its length is 1:2.[1]


The pattern represents the art and cultural traditions of the old khanate and the Kazakh people. The light blue background stands for the various Turkic peoples that make up the present-day population of the country, including the Kazakhs, Tatars, Uyghurs, Uzbeks and others. Among these people blue has a religious significance, representing the sky god Tengri, "the eternal wide blue sky", and water as well.[2] The light blue color also symbolizes cultural and ethnic unity of Kazakhstani people. The sun represents the source of life and energy. It is also a symbol of wealth and abundance; the sun's rays are like grain which is the basis of abundance and prosperity.

People of different Kazakh tribes had the golden eagle on their flags for centuries. The eagle symbolizes the power of the state. For the modern nation of Kazakhstan the eagle is a symbol of independence, freedom and flight to future.




The pattern represents the art and cultural traditions of the old khanate and the Kazakh people. The light blue background stands for the various Turkic peoples that make up the present-day population of the country, including the Kazakhs, Tatars, Uyghurs, Uzbeks and others. Among these people blue has a religious significance, representing the sky god Tengri, "the eternal wide blue sky", and water as well.[2] The light blue color also symbolizes cultural and ethnic unity of Kazakhstani people. The sun represents the source of life and energy. It is also a symbol of wealth and abundance; the sun's rays are like grain which is the basis of abundance and prosperity.

People of different Kazakh tribes had the golden eagle on their flags for centuries. The eagle symbolizes the power of the state. For the modern nation of Kazakhstan the eagle is a symbol of independence, freedom and flight to future.

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